this weekend as we left my house and drove into santa ana and orange….we passed by this horrible accident. it involved a minivan-and the back was entirely crunched into the front. all of us were thinking “we hope to god there werent any children in the back of that van.” traffic was literally stopped for MILES back to the 55 from oso parkway.

i just got some more information today about what happened. turns out, the family lives about five minutes from me. all three of their children were in the backseat. and all three were killed in the accident. they were 3,4, and 5. i feel so sick. i am in shock. at my freeway exit. it could have been me. it could have been mine. any day.

the traffic backs up to a stop in the slow lane because the street is so busy at certain times of the day. they were hit by a semi going 55-65 MPH. all i can think is HOW MANY times ive sat there stopped, waiting for my turn and it could have been me.

it just hits so close to home.

the families pastor has set up a website with more information. if you want to help this family in any way, please go here:

for more information on the crash:

be grateful for your life today.

Join the Conversation


  1. that is soooo sad. those are the stories that should make everyone want your photos. to capture a moment in time. the smiles, the laughter, the eternal memory of that moment. you never know when it will be the last and how precious it would be to have something so wonderful to look back on.

    many prayers for their family.

  2. I read about that accident in the paper…it made me so sick to my stomach…I cannot imagine going through something like that. And for you- that is very close to home…

  3. omg, as a mother you sure hope you will NEVER EVER have to go through something like this, never EVER! It makes me sick to my stomach even thinking of the fact to loose both of my children at the same time. This family will be in my prayers.


  4. I have thought the same things you have since I heard about the accident. How many times have I been sitting at that same offramp with my kids in the car waiting to drive up Oso to get home. I can’t imagine the pain and heartache this family is facing.

    Moments like this remind us how important our relationships are. We all could be slower to judge, more patient and understanding, say I love you a few more times and hold tighter to every hug.

    What you do as a photographer is even more important when you reflect on how fragile life is. Although people may leave our life too early we can capture all that is good through a photo and keep the memories imprinted on out hearts.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the Cobles

  5. tara,
    I cried on and off all day long for the cobles yesterday. I got on their website last night, saw photos of those three precious kids, and cried some more.
    It is unfathomable to lose all your children in an instant, on a normal day, coming home from shopping! I have taken that exit a hundred times. This hits so close to home.
    I will honor the coble kids today by hugging my own three close, by being more patient with them, by helping them find joy each & every day.
    this is so sad.

  6. We lost our three year-old nephew in January, another victim of a car crash. It makes you stop and thing about everything. What if my brother in law had been going 1mph slower, where was that red light when you needed it…why did that damn other driver cross his lane. Innocent babes…I just don’t get it.

  7. I was just thinking of the Cobles as I drove into my garage (just before logging onto your site). I live in Ladera, and almost all the trees have blue and pink ribbons in memory of the children. My heart is so heavy for them. I am incredibly humbled as I think of the frailty of life…like you said, it could have been ANY of us. In these moments I am struck by how CONNECTED we are as human beings. One person’s pain is another’s pain…we are all one family. If only we would live that way, every day. There are so many lessons we can learn from these precious angels…may the family be given strength from above to endure what must be the greatest pain one could ever experience. And may each of us embrace our loved ones with gratitude for each and every day.

  8. I witnessed a multiple fatality accident happen right before my eyes (literally two cars in front of me) a little over a year ago, and still to this day I am amazzed how this experience impacts me. I think about it a lot, probably too much, but it honestly makes me live each day more fully and be more active in seeking joy in my life. When something little goes wrong, I just tell myself to be grateful to be alive at all. My thoughts and prayers go out to this family.

  9. That is so sad. Definitely makes you realize how precious and fragile life is. Although, I am not a mother (yet) – I can’t imagine this happening. I got chills down my spine just reading your blog today. Thoughts and prayers to the family.

  10. So terrible. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
    I can’t even begin to imagine what they must be going through.
    Life can chage so quickly… I am so thankful for each moment I have with my own three beautiful children.
    My Dad was hit on Saturday night by a hit and run driver as he was pulling his car into his own driveway as he returned home from the grocery store. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt. The guy also hit 4 other cars on my parents’ street (who knows what else).
    I will be sure to hug my children a little tighter tonight!

  11. this is so sad. I live in Montana but somehow feel connected. I am sitting here with tears rolling down my face. My heart is so heavy for this family. NO ONE should have to go thru something like this and they will be in my prayers. Make sure to hug you kiddos a little longer and tighter and thank God for them each and every day.

  12. I didn’t realize you lived near Ladera…I’m in the area as well. The Coble tragedy is so unthinkable. It’s every mom’s worst nightmare, right in our own backyard.

    I am a friend of a family member, and just wanted to reiterate that if anyone wants to help or show support, please do so through the website linked above. Our community is so wonderfully supportive that the Cobles have been just innudated with people wanting to help. The family has requested that people please stop driving by their house and leaving stuffed animals, etc. I’m sure we can all imagine how difficult those must be for Lori to see. The outreach is very much appreciated, but the family also needs some privacy to grieve.

  13. I have come across an accident like this and my husband and I were first on the scene. Except the children in the back were injured and alive, however the parents in the front seat were deceased. Road accidents can be very tragic!

  14. Two of my friends and their two six year old twins were killed in a head on car crash just over a year ago. Life can be really cruel sometimes. It made me not want to ever drive again.
    I really feel for this poor family… What horror!

  15. I am shaking… not shaken…actually shaking…
    How unbelievably horrible. It is even harder to process when it hits so close to home. I can’t even fathom the emotional trauma. I praise God for every day I have with my children. Children are God’s gifts to us. They are his to take at anytime… we can only rest in the peace and comfort of knowing they are with their creator in a painless and peaceful glory. My prayers go out to the family… thanks for sharing

  16. This accident was linked on 2P’s and I have thought about it everyday since I read it. I’ve talked about it to some. I just cannot imagine. This poor family was wiped out just like that. You have 3 beautiful, happy kids one minute and then they are gone in an instant. I could not go on or function. HOw do they go on? I hope and pray for them that they are faithful people and God will help them thru this. We don’t understand and can only trust, but I really think I would want to die. Dad was out of town wasn’t he? I get a knot in my stomach when I think about it and them having to bury their three children at once. So, sad. Their family website made me cry b/c they set it up long before this happened, I heard.

  17. amen that. it’s horrible to see, and even worse to know it’s a REAL family, since so many times everything you read & see on the news doesn’t seem real until you have a face to it.

    prayers for healing for that family, and prayers of gratitude that it wasn’t someone i know and love.

  18. My heart is so heavy for this family. I’m crying because it could have happened to any of us, at any time. I pray for them….
    Oh dear Lord I pray for them……

  19. I have cried on and off all evening since I read your blog about the Coble family. I can not imagine something happening to my kids, the thought of losing your entire family all at once is completely unimaginable. My heart goes out to this family.

  20. That is one of the saddest things I have ever read/seen. Those 3 beautiful children, so heathly & alive, obviously the light in their parent’s lives. To have all 3 of them taken at one time just unspeakable. I am so so sorry for this family, I am sending them all of my prayers.

  21. That is terrible…my mother always tells me that tomorrow is not a promise…live each day that way..I pray every morning that I will…I often do not succeed..things like this remind me how important it is to keep trying…my heart breaks for them..

  22. My heart is absoulutely broken for them. It is amazing the unimaginable saddness I feel in thinking what they are going through at this time. Thank you for sharing this so that we may all keep them in our prayers, and appreciate all that we have in our own lives.

  23. Tara, I was so shocked when I read this today. It hits so close to home as I have taken that same exit many times when I lived in Aliso. Even more shocking is that I went to middle school with Lori Coble. This is so tragic. I am so sad…I just can’t imagine…my prayers go out to the Coble family.

  24. I cannot imagine the horror of having to live through such an unbelieveable trial. Incidents such as this make me want to keep my kids locked in a bubble. Of course this isn’t possible or wise, as we need to trust God for each and every day, but the thought of living without either one of them is terrifying.

    My prayers are with this poor family…

  25. Thanks for this reminder to be grateful Tara-as we get so caught up in the little things of life. Praying for this family. Makes me sick to my stomach too.

  26. Oso Parkway ~ way too close to where we used to live. This is such a tragedy. I can’t imagine the pain these parents, grandparents and friends are going through. My heart is aching for all of them. And I will give mine extra love and snuggles. It reminds us to be more patient, kind and thoughtful. With no fault of your own, you never know when your last moments with someone are. May God hold the hearts that have broken and give them comfort.

  27. This is so sad and I am hurting for the family. I have two girls ages 2 and 4, I cannot imagine going through something like that, to lose your children. I will be praying for them. It’s hard sometimes you know, we take little things like enjoying our family times together and we take them for granted but this is just a reminder to all of us that we need to live everyday like it is our last and glorify the lord because you never know when it could happen to you or to someone you love. God Bless you and your family.


  28. Tara,

    Thank you so much for passing this story on.
    My heart just breaks for this beautiful family. I cried so hard watching the video. I’ll be passing it on as well. It’s so sad we need a story like this one to remind us to be grateful each and everyday we have with our kids. Thanks you and my prayers will be with this family right now.


  29. My good friend went through the same thing a few years ago. She survived, but her children passed away in a tragic car accident. We never thought she could survive…but she has. She went through more heartache when her hubby divorced her. Not enough you say? She was recently diagnosed with MS and is still fighting to live a normal life. The Lord has something in store for her. She is amazing. The moment I heard this story, I thought of her and how she must be grieving for this mother who lost her sweet babies. I pray that she & her family receives strength through our prayers. Hugs to those little angels.

  30. That is just so sad! I am so sorry that you had to witness the accident and then to find out later that you knew the family.

    I am very sorry to hear about this but thank you for sharing. It helps me to put my life back into perspective today and not make the little things big.

    Take Care!

  31. My heart just sank. What more can I say? Thank you for posting this…a reminder of so much to be thankful for because life is so precious and it can be taken away at any moment. Prayers for that family and for us all.

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