this weekend as we left my house and drove into santa ana and orange….we passed by this horrible accident. it involved a minivan-and the back was entirely crunched into the front. all of us were thinking “we hope to god there werent any children in the back of that van.” traffic was literally stopped for MILES back to the 55 from oso parkway.

i just got some more information today about what happened. turns out, the family lives about five minutes from me. all three of their children were in the backseat. and all three were killed in the accident. they were 3,4, and 5. i feel so sick. i am in shock. at my freeway exit. it could have been me. it could have been mine. any day.

the traffic backs up to a stop in the slow lane because the street is so busy at certain times of the day. they were hit by a semi going 55-65 MPH. all i can think is HOW MANY times ive sat there stopped, waiting for my turn and it could have been me.

it just hits so close to home.

the families pastor has set up a website with more information. if you want to help this family in any way, please go here:

for more information on the crash:

be grateful for your life today.

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  1. I read about this earlier this week too and can’t imagine how tragic this is for a young family. What a huge hole it will be in their lives! Thank you for the reminder about the precious-ness of each and every day.

    Drive safely – and hopefully everyone else will be too!

  2. Thank you for sharing Tara. I haven’t stopped thinking about it since you posted, and my goodness doesn’t it make you think “there but for the grace of God” etc? My BIL (who was our neighbour then) lost his parents in a similar tragedy when he was 15 – truck ran straight through their car, nothing left. And ever since then, I’ve just been terrified of something like that happening to my loved ones. Doesn’t matter how careful a driver you are, this could happen to anyone, any time. I can’t even begin to think how the Cobles are coping…

  3. i’m sorry you had to see that, tara. there are no words that can do this tragedy justice, you know? we were in ladera today, and i was totally blown away – there are blue and pink ribbons EVERYWHERE. seriously, on every tree, every street sign. it is heartbreaking. :(

    and you are right – it could so easily be any of us. it is just not fair. those poor, poor people. :*(

  4. i check your blog every day and i saw this and started to cry. i nanny 3 children, my nephew who is 8months, a little boy who is 4, and his little sister who is 5 months. i am also 4.5 months pregnant. it makes me think as we drive to the library, parks, zoo, etc. that could be us. i drive a tiny toyota corrolla, it can be smashed into a tin can quicker than a blink of an eye. thank you for posting this Tara it makes me think and be MORE cautious. my prayers go out to that family.

  5. Hi T,
    I came on to your site today to check how you are doing. My heart is sick after reading about this accident. What a beautiful family and what a tragic accident.
    Just before reading your blog I got news that the 5 year old son of some friends of ours in Utah was hit by a car this morning in front of their house. The tire of the SUV rolled over his head. He was life flighted out and now we are waiting to hear. I simply will never understand why these tradgeies happen? Hearing about them just puts life into perspective!

  6. From one OC Mom to another….just wanted to give you a virtual hug. I know how haunted you’re probably feeling. I know this Mother’s Day won’t be the same for any of us. My husband keeps asking me what I want for Mother’s Day and all I can think is “Nothing. Nothing but to be the mother to these kids just one more day.”

  7. i am balling absolutely balling right now. it makes me want to stop everything in my life that doesn’t focus on my precious children. and why, why do i get wrapped up in such trivial things? life is just too short.

  8. There are very few true “accidents” on our highways. Most collisions are caused by negligence, inattention, and aggressive driving. Be courteous when you drive. Leave enough space between yourself and the vehicle ahead, especially at high speeds. Don’t talk on your cell phone or text message. Pull over if you need to consult your GPS for directions. Use your signals and give way when someone is trying to merge. When you change lanes on the freeway, don’t just look at the lane you’re heading for, but at the lane on the other side as well — is someone over there trying to switch lanes, too? Don’t try to converse with your kids in the back seat, don’t turn around to fetch their toys or pass them snacks while you’re driving. Stay awake and pay attention to the traffic ahead of you, as well as around you.

    Such simple, common sense measures, so easy to take, but so often forgotten. We’re all guilty of inattention once and awhile, but the results of our carelessness can be deadly. That truck driver has the rest of his life to regret doing whatever distracted him. Do everything you can to drive carefully so you never have to know his horror, or the unspeakable pain suffered by those children’s parents. God help them.

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