thank you!

whoa nelly!
how fun was that???

i cant believe how many hits my site got and how many comments i received!

i am seriously floored.

you guys are all way too nice. i knew that *I* loved what chris and i came up with, so to hear that everyone loves it and its easy to navigate and you think its so me is sooooooo validating. thank you SO SO MUCH.

chris wanted to let anyone who is interested in her services know that she is not going to be doing any more custom websites, but in the next month or two she is going to be working on website and blog templates!! so stay tuned to her website:

again, thank you so much. here are some pretty flowers just for you.


Join the Conversation


  1. Tara,
    I love it! I cannot wait for you to make your way to Denver! your new site brought tears to my eyes and also made me laugh out loud–love love love your photos.

  2. Wow Tara- Stunning, absolutely stunning. Too bad Chris doesn’t do bag websites. Of course it wouldn’t be the same without your amazing photography. Sigh. I could look at it all day. You always inspire me to pick up my camera, you rock!

  3. Woo Hoo! Congratulations. It is awesome and I love the text (your ‘details’). Love your approach and your photos…hopefully one day you’ll capture my family. In the meantime, keep up the **AWESOME** work! It looks FAB!

  4. That is amazing! I am a lurker who has been watching your stuff for quite a while. The website is FANTASTIC! I love everything about your work. You are truly unique and each and every day that I look at your site – you inspire me to pick up the camera, take more pictures and enjoy the experience. Thank you for the inspiration.

  5. My comment got eaten yesterday so here it is again today!!! :0) Oh MY GAWD. I can’t even look at all of this in one sitting. AMazing, talented, beautiful, lively, stunning…can I go on and on? Your site makes me want to cry!!! I wish you were on the East Coast – you’d be rocking my family with a shoot!!! Congrats!!

  6. I’m awestruck at your artistry. You have some not-of-this-world gift that is amazing in how you capture personalities. Your work is gorgeous, and that’s such an inadequate word but it’s the best I have!

  7. wow.
    I just spent my lunch hour today going through your photo’s and although I’ve followed along on your blog here and there, the full impact of your talent really is evident in your site.
    It ROCKS.
    and I love the personal details you have there about what people can and can’t expect from your sessions.
    See..good things do happen when you follow your dreams.

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