she always stands out




anna has been in her first dance class-creative dance-with ballet, tap, and tumbling. its one of those things i think every mom of a toddler girl wants to do-mostly for the outifit, if we are honest. right? i was surprised at my reaction the first class. i couldnt stop laughing-and then crying in glee. she was a spectacle of toddler grace…meaning LACK OF. her chubby belly and thick little legs trying to be graceful….it kept me giggling for an hour. it was the most impossibly magnificently adorable thing i had ever seen in my life.

as her six weeks has gone by, she has gotten better and better. the penguin walk in tap shoes is her favorite. my favorite is the ballet leg exercises. she loves it. i swear im not giving her any opinion. she LOVES IT. so we signed her up again.

my little ballerina sugarbuns after class with our traditional In N’ Out drive thru.

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  1. That is so funny – I’ve just blogged about my 3 year old dancing – she is also chubby bellied and thick legged, but omg she was just the cutest ugly duckling ever.

    Anna is very cute, I particuarly love how she knows to turn and smile at the camera!

  2. I totally agree about the outfit! Sarah was Anna’s age when we did ballet/tap. Unfortunately she developed her diabetes during that time, when she felt so lousy, and didn’t want to continue with it because she got in trouble one day because she got really upset when her sugar was so high. I nearly punched the teacher! Maybe my two year old will be up for it. Sarah may try again now that she’s older. Nothing cuter than little girls in tutus!. Love Anna’s leg warmers!

  3. I totally agree about the outfit! Sarah was Anna’s age when we did ballet/tap. Unfortunately she developed her diabetes during that time, when she felt so lousy, and didn’t want to continue with it because she got in trouble one day because she got really upset when her sugar was so high. I nearly punched the teacher! Maybe my two year old will be up for it. Sarah may try again now that she’s older. Nothing cuter than little girls in tutus!. Love Anna’s leg warmers!

  4. I SO agree, dance classes are mainly for the cutie outfit they get to wear. I love looking back at how cute my girlies were in their dance clothes. We have a 3 year old in our house now but I am missing out on that that “oh so cute” stage this time around, I don’t think I could get away with putting “him” in a tutu and legwarmers. Thanks for bringing me back to the good old days of lil girl dance class.

  5. Tara-
    I lurk your blog everyday and am so inspired by your pictures and stories. Along with scrappin I also am the owner of a dance studio. Pictures like these are why I do what I do! She is just beautiful!

  6. Okay. So for years I have read your blog. Shrilled at your breath-takingly beautiful pictures. Feel that your family is my own. Loved your approach to and embracing of life/pictures/yourself. And while this post is over-the-top adorable of your daughter, it is one little thing that has motivated me to – possibly for the first time – comment….

    YOU LIVE BY AN IN-AND-OUT BURGER?!?! Oh my. I am so very jealous! Enjoy those delicious fries and burgers for me, please!!!

    Stuck with McDonalds and Wendys in the Midwest,


  7. some of my favorites of my kiddo too.. who is now 12 and NOT at all interested in dance class… boys maybe… and dances.. but not DANCE class! hahahah! My favorite shot, I asked the teacher to let us in early and we played with some tulle, and she danced around the room, and then threw an obligitory fit on her tummy on the floor.. tutu flying. it was priceless.

  8. yup, i remember that well. made savannah do it. but ava wouldn’t have any part of it LOL! saw what savannah went through. one year only is all she lasted. but now s is telling me she wants to do tap at age 7, who knew?!

  9. I had the same reaction when I put my little guy in karate. Jumping jacks has to be one of the funniest,sweetest,most uncordinated? exercise for little people to do. I laughed and cried all at once.
    If only my pictures had turned out as gorgeous as yours…sigh

  10. so stinkin cute. i love that you sat and laughed for an hour. so funny. you are so lucky, when i try to take pics at brenna’s dance classes they let me in but you can tell they want you to hurry. i want to stay in and take lots of pics. so my pics are always hurried. bleh.

  11. og man I just had my morning weeps over this pricelessly adorable ballerina of yours. I hope you hug and kiss her to bits all the time. she has been a joy to behold for years.

  12. dont you love that she stands out though! Thats like my girls too! Darby went to school in camo tights today! I love how even your every day photos are so cool. Tell me, do you play with every photo in PS? I cant seem to leave a single photo raw!

  13. Oh how I remember my daughter in her first dance class. She is 16 now and has taken dance class for over 10 years. I remember her in her first class and watching her run around like a butterfly or something and falling on the bum…had to laugh at that and she got up and kept on going. she loved. I miss those days. Anna look adoralbe.

  14. i love her hair in a bun! she’s too cute for words. when grace started ballet, i spent more $$ on the outfits than the class!
    and in-n-out…yum! that’s my costco shopping reward (there’s one next to my costco). love it!

  15. dude
    that was me and my little boys in karate
    i was like
    of course you like it
    i mean
    you are sooo cute in the uniform
    the little leg warmers – adorable:)
    and i love the painted nails on the in and out photo:):)


  16. Love the eyelashes on the photo of Anna drinking out of the straw and I also loved her cheeks! I have three kids and also just wanted to cry when they lost those chubby little thighs! I called them their “chubbers” . My daughter has been in dance for six years and she was by far the cutest when she was tiny like Anna. Always at the dance recitals the little ones are so fun to watch!
    Thanks so much for sharing your life with us!(Teresa in Minneapolis where yes it is snowing today!)

  17. Oh I totally agree with that comment. My sister is pregnant with her second child and we keep hoping it’s a girl. I keep telling her that the minute she finds out that it’s a girl I’m going out looking for a little pink tutu for the baby. They are so cute. :)

  18. SO Classic Tara! Love the leg warmers,
    It is so about the outfits! My girls’ class usually goes like this: pink legs, pink legs, pink legs, purpleandblack stripes, pink legs pink legs.. guess which one is mine? If you have a sec check out her tutu pic in my 2nd gallery (more children) I have tons like this, it is so fun, but hmmmm leg wrmers… She is so SWEET! and am So glad Anna has her own style! :) Had to post to let you know Ellie got her FIRST In and Out shake because of this! I took her after her dance class (1year of dancing and the girl has gotten nada!) I NEVER thought about it!! So much for my “mother of the year award”! Man I keep BLOWING that award, if it’s not losing my patience it’s forgetting the shakes. Ahh.. maybe next year :) Anyway, Ellie says “thank you Miss Tara! I love milkshakes” Keep enjoying! and THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING!

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