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  1. Where did you go mini golfing? We are in SoCal too. And on our vacation we went on the frog hopper and loved it. My son would be tickled if I could take him again!!!

  2. I’d like to know too where you went for this fun outing. Probably not really meant for us big people, but I could definitely try to be a big kid!!

    and I just realized that both your boys are blond and your girls are brunettes? how did that happen :) ??

    sweet self family photo. you even got the big boy Whitney in there too!

  3. the second shot, I gotta know. Did you have the camera on the ground and subtly hit the shutter with your toe and hope you got lucky? Or were you laying down there all out on the ground for the sake of getting the shot?

    I’ve had way too much coffee this afternoon….

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