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  1. Tara,

    Your website is amazing. I love how you are able to capture people, places, families and kids in such wonderful ways. Although I will never be able to take photos at your level, I’ve tried to use a few of your techniques when taking pictures of my family.

    Thank you so much for the rush of enthusiasm.

  2. Girlie,

    Love the simplicity of your gorgeous website. I have so enjoyed seeing the snippets from all of your photo-shoots on your blog–but seeing a whole Tara Collection is absolutely breathtaking. After taking a tour through your website I feel as if I have been through a fine artist gallery. Beautiful and refreshing. Perfection. — Tighten your seat-belt–you are going to be one busy girl. Like you’re not busy already! :) So happy for you!—
    Oh, and the pages loaded amazingly quick–and I love the option of using the arrow keys to maneuver at my desired pace. And I adore your heartfelt comments on your philosophy page. You are the real deal. Glad I know you.

  3. OMG I LOVE your site…I have watched your photography with awe for awhile…if only I could have you come visit my family. LOVE LOVE your work!!! simply beautiful!! simply amazing!!!

  4. THAT is the coolest website I have ever seen. And, you take the most beautiful photos. I want to be a baby again, and for you to take my photo.

  5. Wow!
    You are an amazing woman! You have worked so hard – and it shows. If I could grow up to be like you someday…

    I wish you continued success!!

  6. it’s so very tara! can’t rave enough…& it loaded super quick for me!

    oh happy day :o) congratulations to you!

    …now don’t go neglecting you blog, please…gotta have my daily fix! (love the links you’ve been adding to the right.

  7. Tara-
    The site is just incredible..You are such an will never remember me, but you are one of the first that really pushed me to follow photography and I am eternally grateful.
    Thank you for sharing your gift with the rest of us..
    I am so happy for you..the site RAWKS!!!

  8. Just be inspiring….you are such an inspiration and not just with your amazing talent as a photographer…your take on life is so refreshing and real…love the site and your approach…thanks for sharing you with us.

  9. So,so, SO great! Wonderful. Totally and utterly expresses you and what you’re photography is all about. Now, is it too late to change my mind about a shoot next weekend!!!!??? I’m halfway kidding…only halfway. I’d pull out my credit card seriously if you have a slot (email me!).

  10. What’s left for a Momma to say when 140 other people have already said it all….
    THE SITE IS AMAZING!!! You continue to amaze me….I am so proud of you.

  11. Congrats Tara! It is stunningly beautiful!!! It loaded quickly and the arrows are a great feature. You look great in the chair picture too!!

    On a sidenote, Allie saw her picture and was so excited. :)

  12. Tara,

    I know that at this point, you have so many comments it will probably take a while for you to read through them all. I just wanted to let you know that I was so super excited to see that your website went live today. You and your web designer did an amazing job. So colorful, so real, so you – or at least what you seem to be since I’ve never had the honor of meeting you in person. I was absolutely floored by the sheer number of pictures that you have on your site; it completely blew my mind. Absolutely amazing job.

    Congratulations on this huge step; I’m so glad that it turned out so well.

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