aunt summer

jeff’s sister summer came down with her kids this month-they live an hour away and we try to get together as much as we can! summer is a package deal with kailey and sammy. my almost five and almost three year old neices. you can imagine with three little girls non directly competing with each other for time and attention it gets hysterical when we are all together. its classic girl fest drama.

we hit the park and took some photos of summer and her girls together, but first we played.




then we posed:

my beautiful kailey-bird

and sammy mcspunkerson

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  1. ‘Love Anna’s little “… brown eyed girl” tee shirt!! I almost grabbed one up @ Target here in FL then I realized that it wouldn’t fit my ONE brown-eyed girl who is 16yo!! :( I’m holding out hopes for a “green-eyed girl” shirt for my 4yo!! :->

  2. You are truly blessed to have the creative artist’s eye to get these amazing photos! I know you’re the Photoshop guru – I would greatly appreciate knowing where I could get some Photoshop CS2 training in Santa Clarita. That’s where you started, right?

    Love, LOVE your work…

  3. Hello, i got your page from a link on I just wanted to say that these are beautiful pics and you have a beautiful family. I had a dream the other night I had nieces and nephews which wont happen due to lack of siblings so Im a little envious. =0)

  4. These are wonderful shot! These shots are made very professionally, but it is not that i like most about them. What makes them so attractive to me is that you managed to capture their emotions, and i show children’s personality. Good job!

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