bow to her………


really fantastic and fun family up for anything and ready to have a good time. stuffy these people were NOT and i loved that about them.

family of boys, and this shot just came to me when i saw this stage….more from the shoot to come.

also, my CA(bay area) and NY sessions are now FULL.
everything else could still use some beefing up so let me know if you are interested!

yesterday was a rough day-started to feel better-did too much and then paid the price today again. ive learned and just sat around today…so hopefully tomorrow i will feel a lot better! drinking hot tea with lots of sugar right now-its so yummy.

oh and thank you for all the celebratory wishes! its pretty darn cool to have your name on the front of a mag. im sorry. it just IS. i should have also said congrats to my good friends suzanne lopez who got the cover image and my good friend margie who did the cover page!

Join the Conversation


  1. Great shot! I have three boys (well two boys and one husband) at home so I think this kind of shot, blown up to poster size and hung in a predominant place in our home should work out just fine! LOL!

    Hope you’re feeling better soon! (I had something like that a few years ago, throat hurt so bad I couldn’t even talk, swore it was strep, went to the doctor a number of times and was told it was some kind of viral thing that resulted in these tiny blisters all down my was awful! They could only treat my symptoms so it was lots of hot tea and no talking for me! :-)

    And congrats on the magaine article – that’s awesome!

  2. That shot is too fun!

    Hope you are feeling better… no fun to be sick!

    Congrats on the magazine…so cool, can’t wait to get it.
    It is by far my favorite scrapbooking mag…
    I love seeing your stuff in it. ; )

  3. You are so right about that, having your name on the COVER is way cool!! You deserve every good thing that comes your way. Honestly, I can say I have never been so impressed by anyone’s creative vision, as I was with yours. And I only spent a few hours with you….I’m with that other lady yesterday who said “what about a book??!!”
    I hope you feel better and I’m still looking for the magazine, we don’t have ours yet…it’s killing me! ;>)

  4. Tara! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Everyone in my house had a good laugh over it. As we told you when you took it, the boys say that our house is a “Mom-archy” and a “Dad-tatorship”. Next time we’ll get the “Dad-tatorship” picture!

    thanks for making the photo shoot so much fun!
    Nancy :)))

  5. Love the picture. Very funny and cute.

    I just wanted to tell you that you are the single best source for new music! I downloaded the Peter Bjorn and John cd after I saw their video here, and now I just downloaded Mika’s album with Grace Kelly. It sounds great and I can’t wait to hear the rest of the album. Thank you Tara!

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