will you be my valentine?


for being of the mind that valentines day is a ritual that forces husbands and boyfriends to attempt to surprise their wives with “what, red roses and chocolate hearts again honey? how SWEET! you are so thoughtful! even though you never bring me flowers any other time of the year and you only did it today because hallmark said you had to and so did i”-i sure am getting into the spirit of things around here.

i much prefer to get flowers or candy on a very un-celebrated thursday afternoon. just because.


HAPPY valentines to you! the kids sure are having a fun day…

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  1. I am with you on the V-Day tradition. It was fun to help my daughters with their classroom valentines, but I just can’t get that into it (although I did wear a red shirt today).

    I like no-reason-flowers much better.

    Hope you have a fun day!

  2. LMAO because i JUST said this to a friend! (“If he buys them next week for no reason, then that is special, but today, no, not so much. Put a little thought into it.”)
    However one guy in our office (whose girlfriend is also in our office) sent a dozen white roses two days ago, then a dozen pink yesterday and then a dozen red today. Now that shows planning. Good boy!

    Personally, I was just thrilled hubby took the garbage out this morning.

  3. I agree with you…and in fact, if my husband went out and got me flowers today I would not even be happy…they raise the prices just for the day. I would rather have the cash!!!! We don’t even buy cards anymore…not because we are cheap, but I would much rather have a hand written note or even just an extra hug! BTW…still waiting for more photos from your first shoot of the year…COME ON…how long must I wait to see more of your awesome work?

  4. I think this is our second V day as a married couple… it got old really quick! We see each other everyday, we love each other everyday…I guess it’s nice for boyfriends and girlfriends, but maybe that will change when the kiddies come along!

    Happy V Day to you.

  5. i used to be of the “bah-hum-bug” Valentine’s day persuasion, until i read the history re: St. Valentine. quite beautiful, actually. even so, i prefer non-traditional gifts on V-day. today my beloved surprised me with a pair of delightfully comfy, cozy, fuzzy, UGG slippers. i scuffed around in them all day. brilliantly happy. plus, i watched the Oprah V-day show and cried (happy tears) thru most of it!! ;-) yay!

  6. Valentines day was so so. (it isnt as HUGE here) but now that we have lochie we had a lil fun with it.. heart balloons for him and some gifts. :) We all had a nice family dinner out too.. special!

    LOVE the guy who did white.. pink.. red roses.. LOVE that!

  7. I totally agree with you. I told my husband not to buy me overpriced roses (that will die in a day or two) or chocolate. I told him I appreciated him installing the iPod thingie in my car that allows me to plug my iPod in and listen to my playlists in the car… on a very random day. It made it that more special.

    :-) But it is fun getting Valentine’s from the kids!! I love your daughter’s heart! Hope you enjoyed the day!

  8. oh! i totally agree…i love that we were just at home…celebrating together…teaching our kiddos about what valentines really is…just loving the ones you have…& that we get to do that everyday!…but i must say commercial or not i love seeing hearts every where!…love it!

  9. Sing it sister!!
    Just had this discussion with DH, b/c even after requesting just a card, and only a card, and rejecting the flower idea 4 different times…What came to my office yesterday? Flowers. My card? nowhere to be found. LOL

  10. I told my husband that just this year: “Please just give me flowers for no reason on a different day.”

    I agree as well. If all of us agree, though, how come it is such a big, big deal…someone out there must be celebrating it.


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