heck yes! we havent done this in awhile. how could i forget how much i love it?

yesterday after school (kids all finally healthy again) we took a walk around the neighborhood. since making some life changes in order to get healthier and lose weight, one of my goals is to take a walk with the kids after school so they can ride bikes. nothing heart pounding or anything, just to move.

yesterday was a BEAUTIFUL day and so i grabbed my camera and took it with us. ive also been wanting to play with a new wide angle that was a gift/trade with a friend. a tokina 19-35.

i havent taken the kids out to do a shoot with them in ages. seriously-ages. and i always said i wouldnt sacrifice that once i was a pro, and shooting became my job and not just my passion. so im rechecking myself. gotta get out and do it more often.


a realtor in a jag almost ran me over when i was shooting this.


kennas “WAZUUUUUUUUUUP” pose she strikes for pics lately. god she makes me crack up.







taking photos of my kids is like a triple bonus. we connect so much when i am working with them. i hope they will always know, forever, that my photographing of them is a labor of love. and i only do it because of how deeply i feel. and when i am standing in front of them, looking at them through the lens, i can feel the invisible thread that connects us. running from my heart to theirs.

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  1. Such cool photos:)I love what you wrote right at the end of this post – your passion for photographing your kids is so evident in the images you take of them. They will so thank you for the legacy you are creating for them.

  2. ok, this is totally inspiring me to get out and take some of my kid-lettes too… i know what you mean by triple-blessing- especially when you’re fiddling with the shots on the computer – nothing like seeing their little faces closeup on the screen like that! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I don’t know what I’m more jealous of… the wide angle lens or your beautiful California weather (I’m looking at a few inches of snow and COLD weather outside). Sweet kids – awesome photos! (I love the stop sign shot – what a character!)

  4. i so need to do this. I’m making a promise to myself to take them to park the next nice day we have and letting them play and me shoot :)

    I love the different angles and perspectives you have going on – especially the low to the ground bike shots.

  5. What beautiful children. I truly admire your work and you have inspired me in more ways than I have room to list. I must get on my high-horse and beg you to put bike helmets on your children. My best friend lost her 11 year old when he fell over while standing still over his bike and hit his head on the curb. He was killed instantly. Please, make helmets part of your get healthy routine.

  6. love the cool angles!
    and i always see the love in the shots of your kiddos.
    just perfect. dont forget to do this more often! i will remind ya!

  7. Tara, you are so amazing. Your photos always just POP. I can’t tell if I need to master Photoshop or just learn how to take better photos (probably a combination of both)…but I want you to know that you inspire people from coast to coast and you make us smile!

  8. Love the pictures!! How happy to see the kids again on your blog!!! And thanks for the review on Timeless Treasures. I was in a meeting in Sacramento yesterday, and made my boss drive to San Francisco to go there. It was DELIGHTFUL!! The lady was sooo nice, loved it!!!

  9. thanks so much you guys. :) i really adore these shots as well. keep coming over here to look again at them.

    gregory-canon 5d

    jenna-the lens does add a bit of a natural vignette, which i LOVE and make a bit more apparent in photoshop just by easily burning the corners and edges.

  10. Hi Tara…love your work! You inspire me so much. I pray for the day I can get a digital camera. Anyhoo, I love the picture of your daughter holding your hand. Pure sweet perfection. Also, I love what you said about how you feel when you photograph your kids. I echo that same feeling. Thanks for all you do.

  11. I love the one where Nate is looking up at Drew. The adoration. :) Your kids are so growing up and how weird is that? I remember watching Anna when she was probably Brysons age and being amazed at how she loved to pull things out of the cupboards and thinking, how can I do this again? Yet I love it, the house is a mess, but I love it. I know all too soon he will be riding a bike. Hugs!

  12. Ok, so why can’t I be as profoundly elegant as you? I so love the last statement you made about the love you have for your kids. I totally feel the same way about my girl and my soon to be baby girl. And that coupled with the photo of Mckenna(sp) *sob*. You are such a beautiful person. Keep snapping those beautiful kids! Thanks for sharing them with us!

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