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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY annabanana!! I can’t believe how grown up she looks in the way she is smiling, posing…even down to the little traces of nail polish on her fingernails… Love it when you share pictures of your “baby”!

  2. it’s totally a Nate-girl!! i can’t believe she’s four, either…not sure how you are dealing with that! my niece is gonna be four this year as well (next month) and it still seems like i was just at the hospital on the day she was born, dripping tears on her head…

  3. Happy Birthday Anna! I can’t believe how big she is getting! My daughter is just about a month behind yours and I just can’t believe that FOUR is here! She is so beautiful, Tara. Her little face looks so grown up in that photo. Like a little glimpse of the woman she’s going to grow up to be. She’s so sweet. =)

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