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  1. oh my tara! she’s four? my adelie turns four in 6 weeks. it’s such a hard birthday to swallow i think… when they leave behind all traces of those already gone baby days, and trade them in for almost -kindergarten qualities. *sniff* she’s beautiful tara! and your lighting is simply whimsical. :)

  2. Oh sorry I’m so late – I hope Anna had a great day!

    BTW – your “A” and my “A” are one week apart! She’ll be 4 in a couple days too! Happy (late) Birthday Anna!
    :) :) :)

  3. she is so beautiful! and what i love the most (besides those eyes and that smile) is the little piece of fuzz on her finger…so neat that you captured that. to me, it says – “although i look so grown up, i am still little!” ( i guess i notice this because my 2 year old always has fuzz or dirt or chocolate or SOMETHING on his fingers that he wants me to wipe off!)

    simply stunning – as always!

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