my beautiful glowing emily

my sweet funny precious friend. who i am so lucky to have met one year ago. i dont know how we got so lucky. how we clicked so easily. but we are like the same person from two different countries. it is so strange. she moved here, we knew each other online, and wanted to meet each other, and when we did, it was like she had never NOT been in my life. together, it is just so easy.

we laugh at the same things. love to eat the same things. love to shop for the same things. i love making her laugh. i love when she makes me laugh. she shares herself completely with me, no holds barred. and she allows me to do the same with her. she makes me want to be a better mother, a better human. we talk everyday online and if we dont we call incessantly until one of us is reached. she tells me how beautiful i am. and she makes me feel good about myself in every way a woman would want to feel. she has quickly become a rock in my life.

and our little girls. ohhh, how we love to see them becoming best friends. anna puts on an ivy accent and ivy puts on an anna accent. they whisper and giggle and fight and play together, and we both get so much joy out of it. it just makes our friendship all the more special.

and its so not fair, but we havent been able to see each other since thanksgiving! we have missed each other so much. she was gone, then i was gone…and with christmas it was just too hard to get together.

our men totally tease us when we “pine away” for each other. its really rather pathetic actually, the way we carry on when we cant see each other. we whine like our girls. we need to figure out a way to live closer somehow…..but i dont know how we will ever get it to work and i am prepping myself for her having to move far far away from me. i dont know how i will bare it.

just felt like sending her some love, and showing off her very sweet adorable tiny bump! i love you gorgeous girl!


this just might be one of the most photographed babies in history. i cant WAIT to get my hands on the little bean!

and THESE GIRLS….after buying clip on earrings and ivy ever so gently clasped them onto anna’s waiting ears.


LOOK at how they’ve grown in one year!

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  1. wow tara…this is awesome. it is amazing the difference one person can make in your life. so, so happy for the both of you that you have this friendship. also, you have to be bursting at the seams that your little girlies are such good friends. so cute!

  2. You know whats funny.. I miss having a friend like that.. You two are very lucky to have found each other.. and look at your girls.. its little versions of You and Emily.. so cute, and I am sure they will grow up to be best friends forever.. how wonderful

  3. anna and ivy are getting too BIG. love your post how sweet!
    awesome pics of miss em.
    glad you have a friend like that!it’s hard to come by in this world.

  4. This is by far one of my favorite posts…I love the gift of friendship! I’m so happy that you found each other, not only friendship but that never ending link to sisterhood.
    The pictures of Emily are gorgeous! Just love the little bump, you should try to shoot the bump every month or so ;)
    Anna & Ivy are just such little dolls. So sweet.

  5. Oh Tara…What a SWEET and LOVING friend you are – and Emily no less from your talks about her *hugs* One can totally feel how PRECIOUS your friendship is to you and that makes my heart completely melt ♥ I guess one can find such friendship only once and you two can certainly be HAPPY that you found each other *blows kisses to both of you*
    It´s so so SWEET to see your girls grow up with each other and I can totally see a friendship between them that is just like yours – full of LOVE and UNDERSTANDING!
    Gawd, I just LOVE you guys – just from following your friendship along the way *hugs tight*

  6. awesome Tara, just awesome.
    Friends like that don’t come along often so hold on and never let go.

    and your little anna, just looks so grown up there. I think it’s the hair. the way she has it tucked behind her hair and the bangs.

    they’re growing up pretty fast!

  7. You definitely have a gift with people! I mean, my life as an artist constantly feels depressed and lonesome. So much so that i began to think it was normal. This is too sweet. What a wonderful model you are to so many people.

  8. beautiful pics of some beautiful girls…love the baby bump shots and the sweet comments about our gorgeous emily ! thank you for your comments on em’s blog – they warmed my heart !!

  9. What a wonderful post, it made my day to read this. So often people take friends for granted and you two seem to do a great job of being ‘in tune’ with your relationship, no matter what the distance. It also sounds like you are doing the same with your daughters – and that makes it even more special!

  10. oh i love this tara, i’m glad that you have eachother. it’s such a special thing to have a special someone that you can share everything with. lucky you.

    emily, you’re georgous and really i just want to rub that itty bitty belly.

    those girls couldn’t be sweeter. :)

  11. What a touching tribute to a friend! If we find one of those friendships…I luckily found mine even if I now live 1,700 away from her…in our lifetime we are truly blessed! Tara, I’m so glad that you found yours in Emily! The little girls are darling too!

  12. Wow!! I got goose bumps from this because I have the same friendship thing going on!!
    My rock is Michelle.. I love her mor than anything..She is ditto to me just like you have said about your soul friend. I haven’t met Michelle yet but we call and type each other everyday.. We’re obsessed with each other.. Michelle laughs sometimes and she calls herself my stalker..
    But let me tell you I love this woman and her family so much!!
    This kind of friendship is the best.. I’m happy for you, happy for me!!!

  13. awwww… tara… that was just beautiful!
    i’ve met emily and understand completely every word you are saying. she is such a special person and I imagine, even though we’ve never met, that you are every bit as amazing as she is.
    thanks for sharing such beautiful words and photos about your friend.

  14. I saw your friend Emily on Tv on scrap and she did some cool projects. She is also drop dead gorgeous and she has a cool accent to boot. That is great that you both have a great friendship. How far does she live from you?


  15. Finally sat down long enough to look at your blog….I so feel the bond you two have for each other.It is precious beyond words.And to boot you have sucked me right along with you.Since I met this wonderful Aussie family I am consumed with love for them and so blessed they allow me to be a surrogate mom and Mimi.I do not want to think about them moving away even though I am sure their “other” family might just want them back.. And when the time comes I am not sure I will be able to pick up the pieces of my daughters heart.So…I am counting on the same universe, faith, higher power that brought you two together will find a way to work it out.This friendship you have is so strong mountains and oceans won’t matter.It is a powerful blessing.It is tangible.You can cut it with a knife. You can squeeze it in your hands and at the same time it melts like butter. You can smell it. You can hear it.It is dancing thru time…..and I am blessed to be able to share some of those moments. I treasure them.

    So Emily and Mick, no pressure……
    Love you guys!!!! and hope to see you soon.

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