muh nah muh nah

doesnt it make you smile to death???

and did you know, that Cake did their own version of this song?
its on For The Kids. a GREAT kiddo CD that you wont mind in your car. AND my girl sarah mclachlan does Rainbow Connection. my other all time favorite sesame street song.

edited: thank you kimberly! you are so right! i had forgotten about that muppet guy-of course it is a muppet song!!!

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  1. See . . . I knew I loved you for a reason!! I have been known to Muh Nah Muh Nah my family to death on occasion!! (And I have a secret fantasy to live on Sesame Street some day! LOL!) Thanks for the enabling! Must add that CD to my collection! Cake and Muh Nah Muh Nah — that’s too perfect, really!

  2. Too cute. Is this from the old school Sesame Street DVD I wonder. My hubby ordered it for us a while ago and my girls love the old shows more than the present day ones. My about to be five year old says, “Can we watch Sesame Street from the old days, before Elmo…when it was so cool.” LOL. Yes, it was cool!

  3. Thanks for a great laugh, Tara…I was born in a place called Chibougamau (she-boo-ga-moo, Quebec (my father was in the Armed Forces and was stationed there just long enough for my parents to have me. Needless to say, I got bugged alot whenever the teacher would play the “where were you born” game in school. For years, the kids used to bug me by singing this exact song and changing “muh nah muh nah” with “Chibougamau, nah nah na nah”…you get the point. Today’s post brought back memories I can now laugh at. Back then, not sooooo funny, lol
    Thanks again! btw LOVE, love, love your work!

  4. Holy Moly! I totally love Rainbow Connection! When I was growing up, we had it on vinyl…and I would put it in the record player..and sing Rainbow Connection at the top of my lungs over and over and OVER again…I had no idea Sarah Mclachlan sings a version of it!

    AHHHHHHHHH! I can’t wait to get it!

  5. Tara…..not just smile but sing along and laugh and I think I will be mahnamahah’ing all day now!!! Thanks so much for that!! It’s been too long since I’ve heard that!

  6. I’ll be honest . . .totally didn’t remember this song until I saw the Muppet Show version. Then it came flooding back to me. My 2 girls came in from outside and heard and came to watch. They just went back out singing it.

  7. so funny, the cake song is my favorite right now & my friends were just making fun of me cause i play it all the time! I cant wait to show them this link, what a perfect time! THANKS!

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