more of my growed up girl

you guys are all so right. she does look so grown up in that photo. so dang grown up. thanks for all her birthday wishes! she had a fabulous day…ill have to share pics of her favoritest present soon.

last week i waged my own war on the clutter in my house and rented a dumpster to toss everything out. but it was a twofold bonus because the actual dumpster was really really cool looking. i had grandiose plans of a dumpster shoot with the kids, but it didnt happen….i just got anna one day while everyone else was at school.



this is hopefully the most “photoshopped” any of my images will look. her eyes look like i worked on them for a long time, but honestly, all i did was dodge them up a little to show the catchlight that was already there…..

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  1. funkalicious…love the dumpster. i don’t have the balls to “throw out” all of my “stuff” it is all in bins in my basement but i have been really considering the “dump”. i’m sure it is cathartic. great shots of anna. get some of the other kids by the dumpster before sending that thing back… ;)


  2. Love the 3rd one BEST!
    wowzers. the photos of your kids are always my fave! maybe cause i can feel the love that you see when you take that photo. but they always amaze me!

  3. My god, she’s gorgeous. Did you say four??? Man, are you ever in for it!!
    Love the last shot.

    And I have to ask about the dumpster. Seriously? Because I am having a bit of a Niecy Nash moment over here, myself. Somehow it would make me feel sooo much better if I thought you needed a dumpster for more than just an über-cool prop!

  4. I love that you rented a dumpster to clean out your house!! Also only a photographer could see a dumpster in her driveway as a photo opp and only you could make it look sooo cool! Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  5. These photos make it official – she is no longer a baby! :o( She is such an absolutely beautiful young lady.

    There is a restaurant in my neighboorhood that has this awesome bright blue dumpster door that I absolutely love. Only when my best friend came to visit with her kids did I finally have the nerve to walk up to it and use it for pictures. I love yours, too, Tara!

  6. Tara, I have been a silent blog stalker for a long time…but today I just had to comment…these pics are so cool…

    very urban and hip! Love them!

    btw, my daughter has a sweater that totally matches that hat! :) Much love and thanks for daily inspiration!

    … Cath

  7. Holy s**t…she looks like she is 16 years old in that last picture. She is so beautiful, you almost can’t stand to look at her.

    Everyone gets a picture of their kids like this…I took one of my daughter this summer and when I looked at it I thought “I see the baby she was and the woman she will grow up to be.” It made me cry a little.

  8. Wow, amazing photos! You can really capture people so well! Odd coincidence—was out shooting dumpsters just yesterday…. (dumpster shots aren’t on my blog yet, but other shots I took yesterday are there now…)

  9. I think you have the ability to make anything beautiful…I am not talking about lovely Anna Banana (she’s beautiful all on her own)…but a dumpster! Holy cow! I love the way your creative mind works.

    It is so fun to see so much of you in her eyes and brows.


  10. gosh she’s growing so fast – take a look back at your 2peas photos of her in the pram – where we all first met Miss Anna Banna. you have such a good eye.

  11. I agree- I love the look of the photos that you take of your kids- you can feel the love baby! :O)

    She is such a beautiful girl! And I LOVE these shots of her!

    What do you do to dodge up the eyes to get more show of the catch light? I have always wondered how to make the catchlight lighten up better on some of my shots????

  12. Tara if a childrens modeling agency saw that haunting shot of Anna they would grab her up. Of course I am partial….She could be our famous Anna Banana.

    Loved being with the Kids.So glad you and Cathy had some quality time together.

    Love you all

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