
just one for now from my shoot in hawaii….there are so many fun colorful shots we got and for some reason, this one really speaks to me. i like the darkness of it, the moodiness…


getting back into the swing of things, and started a diet with jeff this weekend. so im not a very happy person right now. :) just a tad grumpy. haha. but after gaining quite a bit of weight in the last two years, its time to do something about it. i want to feel good in clothes and be able to run around with the kids!

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  1. Oh girl, say no more. i just got off the treadmill, need a motivation buddy? I’ve gained about 25 lbs since my 3rd kid in 05. It SUCKS. I just want to be able to go in my closet and get dressed without wanting to BURST into tears!!! We can do this!! BTW, that photo is gorgeous, it has great depth. )

  2. OOoh, I like that picture too.
    Good luck with the weight-loss — I’ve really let myself gain and gain and gain for the past few years… and waiting too long for some big inspiration to hit me.

  3. Weight loss is not easy, but very commendable. I decided in July 2006 that it was the time to do something about it. So far I have lost 39 pounds and have 37 to go. Weight Watchers is my way. Good luck and hang in there you can do it.
    Love your photos!!!!

  4. I am watching what I eat and just lost 30 pounds.. so you can do it!! I still have more to go though. Don’t think of it as a diet.. you will only set yourself up to fail. Think of it as a new way of life – because it is the healthy way to live!! I lost the weight by cutting portions. I eat smaller meals a few times a day.. I keep it around 1200-1500 calories it seems. I eat what I want.. just less of it… if I want cake I have it! just not the whole cake!! Good luck!!

  5. dude…i am so right there w/u…evan and i joined a gym…..**goodtimes**….:)that is so exciting that u went to hawaii…so cool….well have a good week….and happy healthy eating…..i still need book our family portrait….:)
    xo xo xo

  6. Just beautiful! I do like the b/w… but I know Hawaii has got enough colors.. it’s nice to see b/w. Ahh.. the diet.. I know.. hubby and I begin our regime. But we sure did enjoy all the Local Food on the islands.. Did you get a chance to enjoy some? TAke care!

  7. Best of luck with the weight loss to both of you – its time for me too to take the plunge – I’m in the zone and ready to lose heaps & heaps!!

  8. Diet. Ugh. Hate that word. Food. LOVE that word. I feel your pain! Best of luck tara! You can do it-just remember, you are beautiful no matter what!

  9. Love that photo, Tara!

    Good luck with your diet, I am on one too (isn’t everyone in January?) I think my weight loss key this year is movement – I gotta get these buns moving.

    Also – gum. Not sure if you are a gum person, but that is now my go to when I find myself in front of the pantry looking for something to munch.

    Hope your day gets brighter!

  10. What a beautiful shot. I like how the parents are dark and you can’t really make out any details, but their child is in full view.

    I know how you feel about the diet. The first few days are rough, but after that it gets a little more tolerable. Good luck to the both of you!

  11. Beautiful Tara!!!
    Can’t wait to see more. I have loved reading your blog and watching your style evolve. Very inspiring!
    Good Luck on your diet. I’m there with ya. My daughter just turned two and I still have that baby weight, but we just got a treadmill so……speaking of, that is what I am about to do right now….go walk. Hey, if you need a diet buddy, give me a call!! :)

  12. Best of luck with your diet! It’ll be easier (and that’s totally just a relative term – dieting is so not easy!) with your husband going through it with you. Weight Watchers was a great help to me when I lost my weight a couple of years ago. I’m coming up on my two-year anniversary of being a size 10.

  13. i hear you. it must be the year for diets though everyone i know is doing something. i have found that diets dont’ work though the weight always comes back. it has to be a lifestyle change, of working out and eating right. i have been buying the PREVENTION magazine and it has awesome tips and ideas and most importantly quick yummy easy recipes you could make for you and jeff for lunch and dinner while the kids eat their kid food. check it out!
    and good luck to you. one thing for sure, you are a beautiful girl no matter what! i have lost about 23lbsin the last 2 years but now it’s time for me to get serious and lose the last 18lbs! wish me luck too! awesome photo too!

  14. cool pic! I like that you can see the little one giving something to his parents.

    Boy, you are making me want to leave for Hawaii now. My husband and I (maybe the kids too) plan on going sometime this year to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. I may ask more questions later.

    Glad you had a relaxing trip.

    No worries on the diet, you’ll do fine. Remember – Moderation and get active. My saving grace is Denise Austin. She may be perky, but she does burn the FAT!

  15. This image is just stunning.. I love it.. an I hear ya on the weight thing.. Me too.. I am trying to lose some myself.. I am not happy with the way I look and its all about weight.. So I am going to try to do something about it too.. my problem is I dont eat.. ( like once a day so I have slowed my metabolism way down so even though I know I need to eat more small amounts kind of all day I just cant seem to do it I equate food with weight ) I need someone to tell me what to eat and when.. like a nutrionist and a trainer.. haha and when I win the lottery I will be golden.. hahahah.. So I will wish you luck I am sure you can do it.. keep good thoughts for me too ok..

  16. Hi, Tara!

    I love this shot too…it feels like… you know that feeling, “The end of the perfect day.”

    I wish you and Jeff the best on your healthier eating habits. My neurosurgeon just referred me to the fat doctor because I’m too young to be herniating my disks like this! LOL! So I’m sharing your grumpiness!!

  17. Really enjoying your sharing at Grow…and totally on ya with the weight thing…I’m just “soul destroyed” everytime I have to think of something to wear. The same huge sized clothes come out of the closet. Lost 30kgs couple of years ago…and it is all gonna go between now and September. promise!

  18. Tara,

    Good luck with the weight loss adventure. I’ve lost about 65 pounds and kept it off for two years. I got my personal trainer’s license soon after I lost the weight. If you ever want any recipes, advice, exercises, etc, let me know. The key for me is not doing a “diet” but making it a lifestyle. Eating stuff I know I’ll be able to eat forever and still feel good and not deprived. I take one free day a week and I still lose and maintain, so make sure and give yourself a break every once in a while. Let me know if I can help in anyway!


  19. Ditto on the diet thing. It’s now or never. Only, we started a week ago so I’m over the grumpiness part. I think having a goal and a purpose really helps…like you want to do more with the kids. Write it down, post it up so you can see it everyday. When you feel like you want to cave look at it, look at the kids and it will remind you why you are doing what you’re doing.
    Love the beach portrait. I’m sure the rest are just as amazing Ü

  20. You cant think of it as a diet…think of it as healthy lifestyle change…and take up karli’s offer…I have lost 33ponds in the last 12 months thanks to the support of family and a great Personal Trainer…my success was due to healthy eating, lots of veges, some fruit, protien and cutting down procressed high GI carbs ( like white bread, cakes, white rice etc)and Exercise…weights once a week, running 2/3 times and boxing 2 times a week.
    I have three girls, 2 under 3, and decided I had to be a healthy role model for them. They now think exercise is just what we do each day and ask if we are going to mums gym today, they love the creche.
    Good luck Tara, you will be able to do it and you will love the extra energy you have to keep up with those georgous kids of yours!
    Love your blog and pics…thanks for the inspiration!

  21. Hey Tara, just wanted to check in and say happy new year. I’m so glad you guys took a vacation. Looks great so far. And yes, yes, yes, you are beautiful, and health is what matters especially running after your crew. Do it all for health, girl.

    By the way, I had lunch with Ibarionex a couple weeks ago and he said that your interview with him was the most downloaded of all his interviews. You’re awesome.

    Miss you!

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