there are just so many of them!

heather and dave brought all five of their kids out from arizona for a photo shoot with me. it was heathers christmas present! how adorable is that? when we first met-i couldnt help but think “this is what people feel like when they meet MY family” only, she has one more than i do.

four girls and a guy, and they are all gorgeous, adorable, and really really good kids. i just love big families.



the jumping shot-a new favorite of mine-it always loosens up the crowd.



a change of clothes and another jump shot.

Join the Conversation


  1. I come from a family of two kids, who dont really like each other – and I have one child (no more coming!) and have started to feel the effect of a small family. :) I was ‘adopted’ by a BIG family in my late teens and it is chaotic and wonderful. :) :) What a wonderful Christmas present. briliant post processing (as always) and a wonderful way to capture them ALL!

  2. Tara, if this is 2006 material, can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2007.

    Gorgeous photos of the two girls up close in B&W — love those freckles.

    The jump shots are so fun. How come mine never turn out like this? LOL

    Merry Christmas!

  3. Beautiful, Tara!

    I, too, am wondering what became of the links you provided to albums you made of individual shoots. Miss ’em (although I bookmarked about 20 of them). I would always forward them on to friends and they were TERRIFIC for inspiration.

    Please, please consider bringing them back!

  4. Hi Tara,

    Ive been lurking around for some time and have always thought your photos were lovely and so amazing.
    Then I saw this post, and I just had to comment..
    These pictures are awesome!!
    The color is gorgeous and the family connection is fab!

    I wish I lived in the States so I’d have some sorta chance of getting a session with you.

    *thanks for letting me rave*
    I really love your work :D


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