when the mice are away

mommy and daddy will PLAY!

school started yesterday, and even anna was gone for her half day of pre school. i cant even express how weird it was to have all the kids gone. no one at home. silence in the car. no cartoons. no questions. i have had kids at home for ten years. ever since i was 19 years old. the minute one was on his or her way out, another one was entering our lives…so to leave everyone at school, and walk to the car, and go out to breakfast, and come home and …… do ….. whatever we want! was really really weird.

good weird.
but weird.

its what has been the light at the end of my tunnel. the thing jeff pep talked me with. “soon they will all be in school and you will have so much more time to get done what you want to get done.”

and now it is here. well, partially. anna only goes two days a week. but its just odd. time goes to fast. i remember having three in diapers and thinking my life was over. i was tired, and run down, and not sure what was going on. and it seems so long ago and at the same time only yesterday. and now this new chapter is starting. im “that” mom now….the mom who gets to drop everyone off and go home to herself. and get a break. and have a chance to miss them. and be refreshed and ready for them when 2 o clock rolls around.

im that mom now. and its tripping me out!



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  1. Aww, bittersweet huh? I adore kenna’s shirt. And little anna with her big brothers, so wish i had big brothers. So after 10 years of the hardest, but most rewarding job, how are you celebrating?

  2. so awesome tara. my first were twins…and i NEVER wanted them to leave. when they started kinder i stiil had my baby at home…he was 7 mos. old. Now he is 2 1/2 and i tell ya…..i love these kiddos with ALL my heart but, sadly…LONG for the time when he starts school so i can do things for me. he is soooooo out of control…cute, charismatic…..but…so unbelievably defiant and the fits…oh the fits. anyways…i still have 3 years before he will start. i know i will cry…but darn it’s gonna be nice too!!!!! enjoy “you” girlie!!!!!!

  3. Woo hoo! Congrats on that life milestone! It is a strange feeling, isn’t it? On the rare occasion I’m actually home ALONE, it feels so strange. So quiet. I kind of like it, but it always seems odd! Have fun with your “me” time!!

  4. Hi Tara,
    I think I’m the first :)

    I think we all long for that moment when we have some mommy freedom.

    Yippee for you and Jeff!

    Cute outfits on your kiddos. You gotta give us the sources one of these days.


  5. I remember that day!!! It’s amazing when your going thru those diaper years and all, you just never feel like you’ll “have your time” alone in the house. ENJOY ENJOY those pic’s are to funny ;o)…….

    My son Cole say’s my “9 month vacation started the day they went back to school”..LOL…..it would feel more like a vacation if I didn’t have to clean and do laundry!!! ;o)

  6. Hi Tara!

    I just read your post for today. I check your blog pretty much on a daily basis. I had to respond to this one. I too just got an EMPTY house to myself as well just last week. Now granted I only have two BUT you adjust quickly :)! It is a weird feeling but a GOOD one! Congratulations!!

    I love your work. Wish you lived closer so you could take a family shot for me. Maybe one of these days we head your way I might be ringing you!!

  7. Hi Tara!

    I check your blog on a daily basis and just had to respond to this one. Congratulations on having all of your children out of the house at the same time!! That is quite an accomplishment! I too just went through the same thing last week. Granted I only have two but nonetheless it is a weird feeling and great feeling at the same time! Trust me, you’ll adjust rather quickly!

    I do love your work! Maybe one of these days we’ll get out there and I’ll be ringing you to take pics of my family!!

  8. Okay… lets start with that last pic. Anna is gorgeous, drew looks like a handsome little man, and who is the cutie surfer dude?!?!?!
    I am feelin’ it too. I have all three is school for te first time ever!!! Even though Gavin’s pre-s chho lis only several mornings a week…WOW!!!!! I can go to starbucks and not have to buy chocolate milks with my coffee and “I” get to eat the madelines!!!!
    So strange, so exciting, and so sad!
    Crazy huh?
    I don’t miss diapers however!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. i know the feeling. ava is in kindergarten this year and savie is in 1st grade. seems only yesterday i was wanting a break. i sure miss them! but it’s nice to go workout! and clean the house too! enjoy your spare time.

  10. Tara…I’m right there with you babe. Just sent my youngest to kindergarten yesterday…FULL day kindergarten! Talk about weird! Good weird yes, but WEIRD! :)
    And, to top it off, she lost her first tooth on her first day of school. SAD!!! But, we just moved last weekend, so haven’t had the time or gumtion to go outside and jump around! Too cute!!! Party on Mom’s!!

  11. i know i am far down the comment list but i couldn’t resist………i have 4 kiddos (all boys) and i just put my last one in 1st grade so they are all gone all day long….it’s funny his 1st grade teacher is worried about me……i can’t seem to let go on this one. i am with you, i have had kids at home for the last 13 years starting since i was 20 and what to do now……although its been a few weeks and things keep creeping up and i am grateful for the opportunity that i have had to help others because i can now and i don’t have to shuffle kids……..it’s a milestone, wait until it is every day.


  12. loved reading what you wrote
    about being ‘that mom’ because
    that seems so long in my future.
    not that i am rushing it, but
    it just doesn’t seem possible.
    enjoy your silence!

  13. I had a real hard time in the weeks coming up to my youngest going to Kindergarten all day, every day this year. Real change in roles for me. Now that he’s been going (and big brother is gone, too) I am loving it! LOL Glad your getting “YOU” time. :)

  14. So cool Tara! This will be fun for you. Wasn’t it just yesterday that Anna was a baby? You so inspired me with those photos you posted a few years ago on 2peas of when you were in the hospital with her. I still remember that one of her and that tiny pink bow and the other where you were holding her on your shoulder and looked so content and happy. The years are short–the days are long, but the years are very short. Congratulations on this new era!

  15. I have an 18 yr old, a 13 yr old, and an 11 yr old. I’m still not used to it. I do miss them…even though I do get stuff done. Wanna know a secret? My 18 yr old just broke up with his GF…wasn’t crazy about her anyway, but I *LOVE* having him home againin the evenings! (Sick, I know…) I’d have had a kid every 9 mo.s if my hips and my wallet could’ve taken it. And I’m not embarrassed to say I’m a mom totally in love with my kids. Like you. Which is why I read your blog. And Ali’s. Blessings to you, and may you never *quite* reconcile their daily absence.:)

  16. Today was my “baby’s” first day of preschool. It was bittersweet for me too. Thanks for the words– reminding many of us that we’re not alone with our feelings.

    Now… if I can just close my day care and get a “real job” (ha ha).

    And breakfast with the hubby and no kids? That’d be a treat!

    And as always, great pics too! Loved them all!

  17. Tara
    WOW…going out for breakfast with your hubs.
    That has to be worth a ten year wait, no?
    I am so excited for you.
    Attaining … just that bit more balance in life. For the entire family.
    Always a good thing.
    Its what we all strive for.
    I am sure there will be times when you miss them like crazy… but there is always those other thousand things on your “to do” list hey.
    I only have one angel… and I think women who have a few.. are WONDERFUL.
    And I hope to be WONDERFUL soon too… we would *like* another four.

  18. so there really is light at the end of the tunnel? will i ever see it? i have a 4 year old & 18 month twins…i feel just like you did!!! i guess my day will come!

    quick question…what top do you have on your daughter (the one wiht the pink dot mini boden skirt)? i have the same skirt for my daughter…still sitting in her closet cause i have NO clue what to put with it…would love to see a little closer what you paired it with.

  19. Unh HUNH! That was me today as my two went off to school-littlest went to K!!!! So WEIRD! And now I have SIX hours THREE days a week to do WHATEVER I want! Talk about feeling guilty! I have SOOOOO MUCH planned! Tee Hee! Love those pictures of you and Jeff-so stinking cute! I am day dreaming about coming again next summer to do photos at Balboa! :)

  20. You don’t know me but I’ve been reading your blog and admiring your gorgeous photos for a couple of months. You are so talented! Anyhow, I’ve never posted on a blog before but your comments hit a chord with me. I have four kids too. My oldest started middle school and my youngest started all-day kindergarten (did I mention that he’s gone all day :) ?) I’m already planning regular lunch dates with my husband and I’m throwing myself a brunch to commemorate this momentus occasion. Play on girl! Play on!


  21. the younger of my two started kindergarten this year. I’m feeling the same things you are…thrilled yet odd. (and old ;)
    but my husband is off this week and we actually have time for each other! walks on the beach! playing fetch with the dog! cleaning out the garage! there’s so much kid-free fun to be had…
    yet 12:15 doesn’t come fast enough.
    take care.

  22. Wow — Jeff’s quite the jumper…LOL

    Fun, fun photos. So cool that you will have a little more time to focus on you — you deserve it.

    I sometimes wish my littlest one was in preschool so I could have free time to myself, but then feel bad because they grow so fast & I know I will miss him (as I do my other two) dreadfully when they are in school.

    Enjoy your “me” time & make the most of it!

  23. Love your post and the pics of your kids. I have a 10 month old and feel life has changed dramatically. Will it ever be the same? I know that I need to enjoy my time with my daughter but I find myself thinking about what I would do if I had time to myself for a bit.

    It is nice to see other passionate photographers with kids. I need to have those people to talk with.

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