when the mice are away

mommy and daddy will PLAY!

school started yesterday, and even anna was gone for her half day of pre school. i cant even express how weird it was to have all the kids gone. no one at home. silence in the car. no cartoons. no questions. i have had kids at home for ten years. ever since i was 19 years old. the minute one was on his or her way out, another one was entering our lives…so to leave everyone at school, and walk to the car, and go out to breakfast, and come home and …… do ….. whatever we want! was really really weird.

good weird.
but weird.

its what has been the light at the end of my tunnel. the thing jeff pep talked me with. “soon they will all be in school and you will have so much more time to get done what you want to get done.”

and now it is here. well, partially. anna only goes two days a week. but its just odd. time goes to fast. i remember having three in diapers and thinking my life was over. i was tired, and run down, and not sure what was going on. and it seems so long ago and at the same time only yesterday. and now this new chapter is starting. im “that” mom now….the mom who gets to drop everyone off and go home to herself. and get a break. and have a chance to miss them. and be refreshed and ready for them when 2 o clock rolls around.

im that mom now. and its tripping me out!



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  1. Real nice, Tara. You have really expressed perfectly what you and others who have finally gotten the kids out of the house and in school at the same time! I hear it is sheer joy and total weirdness at the same time. I have a 3 year old and another on the way, so it may be years for me to experience the jumping up and down my husband and I will surely do. Love your work!!

  2. Me too, me too !!! I have decided on an exercise routine to fill my morning. Well, I did for the first day, good thought though. Yesterday and today, I cleaned and actually sat down and enjoyed a Chai Tea in silence. WOW..this is going to be different. Time alone?? !! What the heck am I going to do with myself? Ha…(laughing) :) Here’s to SAHM’s…..Cheers..

  3. Just wait until they are ALL at school ALL day. I have 4 and this year was my year. It’s the silence that gets to you. I HAVE to have something on…TV, radio etc, Otherwise I talk to myself too much! Isn’t great to have a space in your life just for YOU!

  4. “i remember having three in diapers and thinking my life was over. i was tired, and run down, and not sure what was going on. and it seems so long ago and at the same time only yesterday. and now this new chapter is starting.” ~~ This is ME now, ‘cept I’m not 19 and pushing 40! Some days it does feel as if if will NEVER end and I fear I’m spending too much time wishing it all away. Thanks for reminding me that it does go fast and that this is IT!

  5. Soon you’ll be like us.
    All three boys are in college now (ouch!!!)
    The Not-So-Little-Princess just started high school.
    And wants to drive my car. We’re happy! We’re sad!
    Time is so fleeting.

  6. my husband and i had the same reaction as y’all when our youngest of 7…SEVEN…graduated high school…when the graduation was over and the kids were throwing their caps in the air…we looked at each other…holy crap!!!!we jumped up and hugged and high 5’d it…too funny…this bitter but ever sooo sweeeeeet time! enjoy…i myself had my first at 17…and so i know exactly how you feel…very weird…but good weird…my oldest turned 30 on the 25th of august…wait til that happens…goes by in the wink of an eye!!!!…annie

  7. 1) i picked out that shirt for mckenna

    2) yes i do pretty good jumping skillz – in fact a couple local gangs want me for my mad skillz

    3) i want to be a stay-at-home-mom when i grow up =)

  8. Tara,
    I hope you enjoyed your day !
    this year is my last year with a child at home, my little one will be going to prep next year, he is turning five in december. he goes to special school to afternoon a week at the moment. it will be very stange next year after dropping them all off. i m enjoying him at home for now !
    take care

  9. That is so cool, Tara! Congrats!!!
    My DH is working weekends, so we get lunch out by ourselves, kinda don’t know how to do that by ourselves now – can go where we want to eat and eat it without being interrupted 9 thousand times. LOL!
    Enjoy yourselves – love the shots!

  10. Hi Tara,

    What a feeling, having time for yourself. You will be able go to the loo (toilet) without any knocking at the door, screaming,asking questions….something so blissful and simple….luxury.
    I am at the other stage.My daughter went to university this year and lives on campus 4 hours away from us…..now there is not just a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel but a glaring, sometimes overpowering light. It was hard at first. Kate is young for her age when she went off on her new journey(uni) at 17years old. After 8 months I am getting use to it..she is now back home for 3 weeks, and in one day
    we have only had half a dozen LOUD discussions…in regard to attitude and family responsibilities. She is a great determined, intelligent young woman and she is on one awesome journey……we are here to love her support her and of course, most importantly keep her feet planted as I dont like princess’s attitude….give me strength lol

    Enjoy your time of freedom my friend, and pamper yourself ….you deserve it.

    Debra Avalon Beach Sydney

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