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  1. That is so funny Tara! Just the other day I walked into our pantry and Jenna had set up her baby dolls like they were having a tea party in there. Some of them were sitting and having tea and some were laying on a pillow. I guess tea parties take it out of you?

  2. This totally made me smile! I find my boys’ toys everywhere– silverware drawer included! One time there was a freaky lookin’ bug on my kitchen floor and I was totally freaked. Even hubby wondered where it’d come from. After CAREFULLY scooping the bug up for a close up look by DH, we discovered it was a plastic bug. ;) I will never forget that one!

    Just had to share my own story! And for Kim, the snake in the dryer is NOTHING, we had one in the A/C unit of our car in July. It completely seized up the A/C unit…. needless to say, it was $538 later that it worked again– snake free!

    Thanks Tara for all your FANTASTIC pics! Love your stuff girl!

  3. yeah, the boy toy thing is cute until you have a metal airplane propeller imbedded into the sole of your foot at three in the morning while getting out of your OWN bed in your OWN room to go potty. man, it smarts. i have found his toys in some pretty funny places too. one was at the bottom of the gallon of milk. he planted a micro machine in there and just waited until someone {me} poured it into a bowl of cereal and he laughed and laughed.


  4. I find rocks in my purse, on my car dash, usually an aesthetically pleasing arrangement greets me on the kitchen counter every morning. Silly boys!

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