amo la mia famiglia


saturday was a huge family party at my moms house. "long lost" italian cousins from connecticut came out for a visit so everyone came together. there we are. you should have seen me running across the lawn to get the picture of all of us.

i just love little sweet party faces.




and piƱatas

and little curly girls who want me to pick the high flowers off the vine for them

and gorgeous sisters

and of course little boys in hats they swiped from their aunt karissa

and definitely slightly buzzed dads, hamming it up for the camera

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  1. awesome tara!!! that is so cool that you got a shot with everyone. that picture will FOREVER be special to your family…luv it. and of course, love all the others as well.

  2. Tara…I love how you tell the story mostly in pictures. Just enough words, but the pictures deliver. Regarding your Anna photo of the day…I did freak out, but only after I read the words and realized I didn’t notice anything amiss and then THAT freaked me out!!!! :)

  3. These were TOOOOOOOOO AWESOME, Tara! Thank you for yoour great photographic skills and especially the love poured out for us all! Loving you with all that is within us! Mark and Terri
    (Plz send Mark and i a group shot… and how do we get those awesome pics of the individual grandkids????

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