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  1. I bawled when I saw them on Oprah and bawled again tonight when I watched the video. They are A-MA-ZING. Period.

    Thanks for sharing! LOOOOVE your photography…unfortunately I’m in Iowa and not planning a trip to CA, so I’ll admire from afar!

  2. Tara, thanks for the link, what a great video. Rick and Dick are from the Boston area (as am I) and have been racing together for years. As a spectator, it’s a great feeling to cheer as the Hoyts cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon. I’m not sure how much of a triathlon fan you are, but the Hoyts have done several Ironman distance races together–that a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26.2 mile run! Absolutely incredible and inspiring.

  3. I went from the video to their website and cried some more. What amazing people…thank you for sharing…I was due for a little perspective tonight.

  4. Thank you for sharing that video…you brought me out of lurkdom to comment on such an emotional tribute of a father and a son. It made me cry as well but in a good way, so to speak. Thank you…

  5. Wow. Thank you for the link, I’ve bookmarked it. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis (I’m 40), and whenever I get to feeling sorry for myself, I’m going to open that link. It isn’t the physical limitations that can keep us down, it’s only the mental ones and those can be overcome.

  6. Hi Tara–

    That is one of my all-time favorite songs, and to see it with that footage, wow. Got me crying, too. To see the unconditional love of a father for his child so physically demonstrated– and boy, do I miss my dad! (even if I’m a child of 30+) :)

    Thanks for sharing–and have to add that I so enjoy your blog, your photos, and your scrapbook style. Thanks for sharing your heart.

  7. that was amazing. I saw their story on real sports last year with my dad and it forever changed our relationship. The beatles said it best and it really is true…all you need is love.

  8. Oh my!! How ashamed i feel now to think of all the days i feel like i dont have time to just help my own 3 little boys play or do homework. I think i am going to put a picture of them up on my refrigerator, the dedication of that father is TRULY inspiring!! I cant tell you how happy i am that you posted this!

  9. Tara, thank you for the link. I just finished reading their
    “Who are we” part. What a great father, what a gread son.
    Can’t stop crying, really…
    Thanks for sharing this.

  10. I have seen them before on talk shows and just *love* the video you shared. It is such an incredible and moving story that should surely be shared with so many.

  11. Okay…thanks Tara…as if the pregnancy hormones were not enough to put me over the edge…

    What an amazing story. Unique. True.
    To have a family like that. A home filled with such love on the road. Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Hi Tara,

    I saw the Hoyt’s for the first time on an Ironman challenge. It was so inspiring to watch them. But more importantly, it was amazing to see the love they share. I’ll never forget what the father said of his son…”He’s the one that keeps me going.” So awesome.

  13. Thanks so much for sharing that link, Tara! What a truly amazing video and a remarkable family. I didn’t think that I would, but found the tears streaming down my face. Amazing.

  14. Tara, I’ve not posted a comment here yet … until today. And honestly, because I don’t *know* you, I feel weird even writing this. I’m sure it’s something that you’ve become accustomed to, however, I’ve not just yet. But today, today you blogged about the Hoyt’s, and it touched me deeply. You see, they lived in my husband’s apartment building back in the 90’s when we were in school in Boston. My husband became good friends of theirs, as you can imagine living in an old building can do. They are wonderful people, and truly exactly what you see on the website, is what you get. My husband and I worked the Boston Marathon in the medical tent, and at the finish line while we were in school, and they were in it that year. They were one of the last people to cross, but the crowd never dispersed, and the cheers were heard back in Rhode Island, no doubt. I remember crying at that finish line, and wondering how I could ever possibly feel so down about “my life”. I encourage you to check their schedule, and go to an event they will be in, I bet you’ll really enjoy it.

    It will certainly be a memory not soon forgotten.

    Thank you for the beauty you bring here, and the thoughts you share. I’ve enjoyed greatly. And thanks for the ability to write here even though we don’t *know* one another. :o)

  15. That is so awesome. What a life this man has had because someone loves him so much. Isn’t the power of love amazing!
    Thanks for sharing.

  16. I have seen that video several times but never to that song! Gave me extra chills and tears in my eyes! Such an amazing family! You really can do anything if you put your mind to it.

  17. Well, thank you passing along the crying! ;)
    Seriously, so glad you linked that…such an inspiration. I’ve seen them before and I am just in awe. In the interview I saw, the Dad said the doctor’s told them he would be unable to do anything(communicate/think) and to send him off to an institution. Parents know better…it’s ubelievable what his dad has helped him accomplish. julie

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