cool photographs

these photos are from two of my proof clients. i like them both for different reasons. and i thought it would be cool to share them with the internet. and also show another before and after.

first, this is reiko tsuchida’s daughter, who made me giggle in every photograph i saw that included her. look at that smile!


and this is the daughter of sarah field. i loved what this photo looked like with a little color saturation. i love the way it is cropped and i love the colors of her jacket.


i am ready for new proof orders so if anyone is interested please email me! :)

…off to go get my family ready for our photo shoot. im so excited!

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  1. You have such a great eye for changing things! IF I get my act together I may just ahve to see what you can do with some photos I took.

    I think it’s great you have so many friends into photography and have pictures of you with your family. I never get photos of me, I am the one always with the camera, and it never seems that anyone else takes photos (even when I put it down and join in the fun)

    Oh well… maybe someday I will find arty friends, I love the ones I have tons!

  2. what if I dont need any images proofed per say .. but would like to know “how YOU do it” so that I can try to sort it out on my own.. can you share your process? is it curves? is it PS? is it some other program? Help… I so want to have the vibrancy in my stuff that yours has.. and have sort of figured out through trial and error that curves gets me the closest to that look..

    Elizabeth (

  3. Tara – I am so amazed by what you can do with photographs. I’m weeding through pictures taken during our vacation at the beach last week and hope to get another order to you soon. Have a great holiday weekend. ~Elisa

  4. I love the way your proof your b&w’s and color! I want to take pictures just so you can proof them. You’ll be hearing from me soon.

  5. Just a quick holiday idea.. and the more kids the merrier.. What about getting them to make a movie. Depending on their writing abilities.. you might want to pick a story and have them modify it.. funk it up.. make it more modern etc. day one – everyone is assigned a role and has a say in the storyline. They type it out and give everyone a copy. (good to learn new genre etc)… and then.. they practice their scenes, make costumes and backdrops (rolls of paper and paint works well..

    over a few days they can have their movie ready to record.. let them record it.. download a basic editor (Ulead have some free trials of easy to use software).. and then create the movie. Little ones could make invitation to the premiere whilst the big ones edit. After a week of writing, preping, practicing and shooting.. they can host a movie night and invite kind friends/grandparents to the premiere.. pack the popcorn and treats! Expect a few tears and fights.. they will get really into it! But will do it together – learn new skills – enjoy each others company and have a memorable movie to play back in the future.

  6. the B$W conversion is my favorite. i just love how everything brightens and pops once it becomes B&W. i’m gonna go get a “PS for Dummies” book now so I can learn something…

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