okay so yes we had fun, yadda yadda, how could we not?!

the best points for me were:
getting lost on the way up-WITH GPS-so not truly lost, but when i plugged the address in it gave me three routes to choose from. i picked the one with the least amount of miles, but it was the third least popular option. it was 1am and we were somewhere really dark on a two lane road. exactly the type of place a dude with a hockey mask and a chain saw would hang out.

we got there about 2am and crashed pretty fast.

friday we slept in and met up with everyone for a free loaded lunch. we went to hambly studios and met allison kreft the designer.




we hung at the pool for a bit, then went to santana row-this super cool spot in san jose-shopping, etc. emily got some kick ass jeans from anthropologie-i begged her to get them even though they were spendy.

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we ate at blowfish, a sushi place with many hot people hanging out. emily and i whispered about how cute the guys were and wished we were single for about five seconds until grace brought us back to reality. just kidding babe, i love you!!!!!


we went home after and i went to ali and cathy’s classes to hang out and talk to people. met some great women and had a good time checking out what everyone was doing.

woke up saturday (late again) got ready, went down for another free loader lunch. then me and emily, grace and elsie went back to santana row in the daytime. for more shopping. the parking garage had drabby puke 70s green brick walls. i was all over them like white on rice. elsie took a bunch of pics of us against them.


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we went to the container store and dropped a load. or at least i did. oh and my best friend from high school, jalayne, met up with us and walked around. it was hot! we found a little japanese stationary store (mai do) and had fun in urban outfitters too.

this is where shannon montez showed up, and we went out to dinner at maggiano’s.
dinner was cathy, dan, me, shannon, grace, elsie, carrie, ana cabrera (associate editor of scrapbook answers and friend to emily), emily, ali, and dona (friend to ali).


three bottles of wine and family style italian eating. SO FREAKING GOOD. good conversation. lots of laughing and baudy-ness. my favorite kinda time.

back to hotel. up late talking.
saying goodbye. 

sunday morning more goodbyes. after cathy left i had a little sob in the bathroom. its always so hard to say goodbye to her. at least emily was there with me still.


THEN we drove to meet jalayne (HS BF) and drove into berkeley. hung out on telegraph ave for a bit.

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had lunch at the grateful cafe where our waitress was either IMPERIALISTICALLY high on X or really really stoopid. we had to order our meals like this "i am joyous" "i am ravishing" etc. cool in theory, but a little silly. it was a raw place. organic, etc. i was so out of my element. but two of our dishes were amazing. (one tasted like rotten garbage.)


at one point the waitress floats over to us and asks, glassy eyed "i want to give you guys your space but would you mind if i asked you our question of the day?" sure we say. "what do you want to be remembered for?" i look at emily. ummmm i say. ummmmm. and emily perfectly responds "we need some more time to think." as glassy eyes walks away emily says to me " i want to be remembered for punching the irritating waitress." and i say " i want to be remembered for taking my kids to mcdonalds everyday." i so wanted to tell her i had mcdonalds for breakfast. lol

the best part of all was when the people at the next table ordered. the woman ordered "i am insightful……." and our waitress says, breathy and high, "ohhh good choice for you. you are SO insightful."

jalayne and i collapsed into a ball of giggles at that one.


so then we were going to go to the city (sf) and shop at h&m, but it was 5pm and we had a long drive so we went home to drop jalayne off. but of course had to hit up target and mcdonalds just once more to balance out the trip.



and i just have to say that this girl: 


i love. i am so lucky. she is wonderful to me, and for me. she makes me happy. and she makes me feel young. and special. and she will eat raw vegan with me for one meal, and then cow down on mickey d’s later on. she makes me feel good about myself, she tells me to embrace my womanly body, and she most of all accepts me. all of me. no questions asked.

i love you emily. thank you for a GREAT weekend.

Join the Conversation


  1. I am a refresher… *guilty face*

    Thanks for sharing your trip with us. It was like a who is who of scrapping.. honestly – I am surprised you all got to shop and were not mobbed for autographs.. LOL What a great trip!

  2. Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! I wish there was a better word than that!
    Jealous? NO, not me Am I being honest? NO!
    Did I love the green wall? Yes Honest? YES!
    Do I want to look like Emily in those Jeans?
    Of course not! Honest? Of course not!
    Do I want to take a trip like that with my friends??? YES YES YES Honest? YES YES YES
    Would I want to punch the waitress? probably
    My answer (honestly of course) would be that I want to be remembered as someone who really, REALLY likes my space (with all the appropriate facial expressions) ! :)
    Oh…and I love the pic of your friend Jalayne??? (yellow shirt) perfection.
    Thank you so much for sharing! I must plan a girlie bonding crazy time trip NOW!!
    Peggy Sue :)

  3. gotta say, these are great photos and clearly great times. One day I wanna be in on your cool fun adventures.

    And by the way, Em was ours first and we will reclaim her as soon as possible – so enjoy her while you can ;)

  4. lurk alot never comment. you just shared moments i wish i still had. you made me want a moment like that enough to reach out and speak to one of my oldest friends for the first time in a year. no issues just been busy with our own lives and you made me want moments like that again in mine. thank you

  5. Sounds like you had so much fun! It was fun looking at all the pics. It almost makes me feel like I was there too! Anyway, I miss you bunches! Call or e-mail me sometime. Love, Summer

  6. ok I was reading and I about spewed coffee on the puter when reading “emily’s” response to you for what she wants to be remembered for..LOL…punching the irritating waitress..LOL..omg that whole story was to funny,,,,I’m just happy I found your blog it makes me smile everyday!!!

  7. What a great trip! Do you mind if I ask a camera lens question. When you travel, do you take all of your lenses or just one and if one, which would you recommend taking? I’m about to head to Europe and could use the advice. Thanks so much!

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