letter collecting heaven

i have found letter heaven here:


look what i got!


these letters are like 30 inches tall or wide. i am dying. DYING. i have had them for a couple weeks now, waiting to do something with them before i take a photo. but i just havent had time. soooo i decided to just show a pic like this.

her site isnt totally up and running, but check out her blog for cool ideas and to see more letters! i am actually drooooooooling right now.

so many possibilities for a W collector like me. :)

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  1. I saw this on Donna’s site. Oh my…I need one!! LOL

    Can’t wait to see what you will be doing with them! I am starting to collect my own letters also.

  2. I also have a letter by Janna. Aren’t they the greatest you’ve ever seen. I’ve painted mine but I haven’t done anything else. it’s just waiting there paitiently for me…we’ll see…

    Please, please post pictures of them when you heve altered them, i can’t wait to see what incredible thing you come up with.

    Ana Magloire

  3. Aren’t they awesome?! She sent me a G to work with and I love it. I had an idea in my head but I love the wood itself, I’ve been tempted just to stain it and leave it in it’s natural state as much as possible… but what fun is that! Have fun creating! :-)

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