i wish i could attach the computer to my belly and type and proof while doing laundry.

nuf said. ;)

(you may infer that i am behind in proofing, emails, and laundry from this post)

and you would infer correctly.

update at 4:04pm-you guys are cracking me up. got some work done for proof. put up a new blog banner. got two loads done. organized kid paperwork from school. answered a ton of emails. did NOT shower. will NOT be making dinner.

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  1. I hear you about work and life and laundry! I wish they would invent a machine that would wash, dry, fold and put away laundry. I would buy it in a minute!

  2. you poor girl…got four kiddos myself and i feel ya on the laundry…never caught up in this house…just mildly on top of it every now and then!! dont worry about it…laundry doesnt matter!! :) T

  3. If you figure something out can you let me know? Thanks. Make my day much happier. Plus with only one computer that would mean my husband couldn’t get on it to do real ‘work’ when I’m oh-so-importantly reading people’s blogs. Priorities man, priorities! Good luck catching up!

  4. I love your blog so much! You are so inspiring. Your photography is beyond superb. Thank you for writing, and sharing, and taking pictures, and sharing . . . I could go on and on! Thank you.

  5. Ha ha :) You crack me up. I’m the same way. I feel like if I leave the computer I must be missing out on something. It’s my only window to the outside world!!!!! Pathetic huh?

  6. Hi Tara.. I am new to Blogging.. both reading them and now writing my own.. yours is awesome.. you have some incredibly beautiful images here really an inspiration. Just wanted to say Thanks for sharing your life with us all.. if you get a chance check out my blog.

  7. Computer belly attachment, now you’re on to something! Or, could I just hire someone to do the laundry for all the kiddos of mine, you know a just for fun kind of hire, no money involved. Wishful thinking for sure, but a girl can dream can’t she?!

  8. Laundry… the worst chore ever!! Last night as I was literally follding my 8th load of laundry at 9:30 I was complaining so much Geoff suggested I shut up so he could watch TV. LOL But today every piece of laundry in my house is clean, folded & put away. That should last for another 6 hours. LOL

  9. Um, If you would perchance invent that, could I be your first customer??

    I’ve been trying to convince my family we should become nudists because I freakin’ hate doing laundry!! They’re not interested, oddly enough.

  10. no shower, no dinner…that sounds familiar. hehe. My hubby has 3 days left of work until summer break (teacher). I washed EXACTLY that many dress pants and shirts for him, after that I am moving onto flipping for laundry. I am so tired of it. I can’t imagine what it must be like with a crew your size….that is 6 bodies full of laundry (3 of them male…YIKES…that in itself is scary!) I should be doing laundry now…we need clean towels…but here I sit blogging…haha…maybe the no clean towels is the reason for the no shower…hmmm…I may be onto something.

  11. I recently heard of someone who has their scrapping room in the laundry.. insane I thought.. but I can see some positives…
    You can multitask (obvious).. everyone thinks you are doing chores when you are hiding out reading blogs and loving new banner headings (super cute bubbas) and … no one else in the house is ever going to set foot in there for fear they may need to participate!

  12. love that new banner…know how you feel with that laundry thing …. it never seems to go away ! thanks for posting as often as you do…even when it seems impossible…looks like i’m not the only one who enjoys this blog religously !

  13. I would love the computer attached to me as well.. first time posting.. but long time “lurker” LOL! I just had one quick question.. I see you do ALOT of family photoshoots.. I am wanting to do some for people I hardly know.. I was wondering do you tell them what to do.. for example the shot where the son is walking forward and the family is in the background??? I love the approach you have when taking photos.. it seems like a relaxed thing, for you.. I’m just nervous..!!! Hope to hear from you.. and how you get things done!!!

  14. ronalyn-i really let things happen pretty naturally after a talk at the beginning of the session explaining what i want out of the family. we talk about relaxing, having fun, interacting, and most of all, having fun. :)

    my only two rules are: NO FAKE SMILES and HAVE FUN! :)

  15. I have 1 husband and 2 kids…and the washing machine goes all the freaking time!!!! I can’t even fathom how many more loads I would have to pick up, wash, peg out, bring in, sort, fold, iron, if I had 4 kids!

  16. I think I have the best answer for the laundry woes…. :o) My 11 year old daughter gets to fold it, and put it in everyones room for her chores! And this summer she has started to learn to sort it and wash it! Yessss! Its a wonderful thing!

    Tara, found your blog on a friends blog. Im also a professional photog. in TX… read your blog every day. You make me smile! Thanks! my website is photographybycupcake.com

  17. dust may wait, but laundry just piles up until your 6 y/o says – mommy, I have no underwear…and she really doesn’t. Yikes! Needless to say I did about 7 loads of laundry this weekend! Glad to know I’m not alone!

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