start ’em young i say


they all do the dishes, but the way anna does it makes my uterus turn inside out.

-first, say "yeah, sure" when mommy asks for help.
-open dishwasher.
-stack everything on counter.
-push little white chair to your aid.
-grip drawers with toes as you pull yourself up.
-make mommies heart melt as you help.

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  1. teehee, she’s a keeper!! My littles did this as well, I finally decided my heart could only handle them helping with the silverware and tupperware (the low stuff). Now of course (sigh) almost all five are tall enough to completely unload.

  2. These pictures and the way you talk/write about it is just utterly CUTE and sooo full of LOVE ♥
    You´re such a GORGEOUS family and I´m happy you share pieces of your joys and lifes little happenings with us, Tara :)

  3. Her little “Yeah, sure.” is so danm cute it drives me crazy. Not sure if you have put this on your blog before, but it is more of a “Yeah, shore.” It is nice to have your blog even for me. Being at work so much I too miss out on these small, normal-day moments.

  4. It’s too bad we can’t leave comments on your photo a day pages. I was just looking at your “oldie but goodie” of your Anna. I just gave birth to my own Anna B. Nana, as we call her, and love the name so much….it made me smile to see YOUR Anna Banana! This will be my last child also…#3 for me. I wanted #4, but alas, my health will not permit me to have any more children, so all those nostalgic feelings you wrote under your picture are mine as well. I guess that’s what prompted me to write; I have read your blog for a very long time, though I am not a “commentor”, but felt the need to say hi and identify with you for just a sec.
    Love your blog. (and if you wanna see pics of MY Anna Banana, my blog link is

  5. laughing so hard at this…what a treasure. Everytime you post something about Anna, it’s so right on to what McKinley would do or is doing. Love seeing those similarities of little girls, but yours so many miles away, California style.


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