moments like this make the fighting, yelling, video game playing, farting, burping, running, punching, wrestling, and other misc grossness all worth it


drew reads to nathan every night. sometimes nate stays in his bunk and falls asleep in minutes. other nights he climbs in with drew to look at the pictures. i LOVE that they do this.

having boys isnt easy. for me. i tend to react to them as if i was a nine year old girl and they are like, TOTALLY grossing me out. i have to constantly remind myself that i am their mother, not their peer. i have to train myself to actually like the way they smell after they play outside. instead of comparing it to how my brothers room used to smell and how gross i thought he was. they are my boys. my boys!


it is really loud in this house all of the time when they are both home. i dont do so good with loud all the time. and i dont always get what they like. i am such a girl. ugh, rolling my eyes, swords and video games again? i have to remember that they are sweet little people even though they are boys and crazy most of the time. they are sweet little people who love each other oh so much. and they love me.

i am so glad i had two of them. i am so glad i had THE two of them.

i am so glad that i get to raise two little gentlemen. two little men who have a "special crazy" sister and a little sassy one. who they protect and take care of. who they help. i see in their eyes the love they have for the girls. i see it already the overprotective nature they have for them. i love raising them. i really do. trying to break that typical male mold. trying to open their eyes to other things. other ways of thinking. teaching them to be emotional and sensitive along with rough and tough. teaching them crying is okay.

helping them create a bond between themselves that will never ever break.

Join the Conversation


  1. Its soooo BEAUTIFUL, Tara ♥ Not only those GORGEOUS pictures, but again the way you talk/write about your beautiful kids!!!
    Do you want to be my mommy too ;)
    I´m sure your kids love you to pieces and the way they´re interacting with each other just shows how GREAT you are doing raising them *sends hugs*

  2. I have done what you are trying to do…Mine is 17, almost 18. Last night we were in the hospital after a collision going for a pop fly (He’s a catcher: translate dirty, smelly, messy, rough, etc.) and there he was still more concerned for me and my feelings than he was about the possibility of a season ending broken jaw. LOVE that he still loves to kiss and hug me, and tell me several times a day how much he loves me. Love that he has to bend down to hug me, love that it feels like being wrapped in a 200 pound blanket every time he does. Just you wait. It gets better. (as IF, huh!:))

  3. I needed this post today — I’m two months away from delivering our second son and as much as I love my first son, I do relate better to Barbies! Of course, my 20-month old daughter prefers Hot Wheels, so it’s not like I get much play! ha ha

  4. i love these pics. glad you posted them. they are so warm, tender and safe. so sweet. love that they do that. i love walking in a room and seeing brenna read to jacob too. they don’t do it every night. i love that your boys have that tradition. and anna is so cute doing her chores on your previous post. i totally agree to start them young. lol

  5. Tara, I love “lurking” at your blog and seeing your wonderful photos. Not even sure how I found it but I’m totally amazed by what you can do with your camera! How did you get such a nice glow around your boys in the low light??

  6. I am so glad that you took the time to share this with us. :)

    Coming from a LONG line of only girls, I cannot imagine what it would be like to live with boys (other than my husband!). Your little dudes seem so sweet & perfect– if & when we ever have any boys, I hope they are as sweet & loving & adorable & boyish as drew & nate. :) Who am I kidding? I love McKenna & Anna, too!!!

    In the meantime, I am loving every second raising the 2 girls we have (quiet & sweet & tame little girls–for the most part)!

    And for what it’s worth (from the outside looking in) I think you’re doing a terrific job raising all four of them. & you’re a great wife too, it seems!

  7. how is EVERY picture you take so good, despite the nasty lighting?? man, I want to be you…
    ok back to the real subject…your boys are so cute. and you are doing a great job raising them….so day far in their future they will have wives that thank you. :)

  8. AMEN SISTER! Boys are stinky and crazy and loud! It is hard not to be grossed out by their nasties! Even G-man, despite being 2, laughs at all bodily functions ALREADY! Even his feet stink!
    Thanks for your truth and honesty as a mother who loves her kids and unique traits, but admits to it not being easy or having it all calm, odor free, and under control! That is life! that is REALITY!

  9. Oh Tara, thank you for this post. Its easy to look at someones blog and imagine they are the perfect mother, they have the perfect children and the perfect life. I have 3 boys and our house is CRAZY. Thank you for making my day by showing me that you are normal and so am I!!

  10. oh yes i am supremely normal. hahaha. TRUST me on that one. my house is insane and messy with really really stained carpet. :)

    erin-the boys have a reading light that shines right on them. clipped to the back of the bed. i stood outside the room and used that light as my “natural light” :)

  11. I hear you. I have three of them. Boys that is. One is married but the other two are still warming my heart every day. Sometimes you would think they are from another planet with their smells and bodily noises. Other times they are so sweet and loving. They come into my room almost every night and sit on my little sofa to talk. Then I hear them talking to each other through the Jack n Jill bathroom that connects their rooms. LOng after they are supposed to be asleep. I don’t mind the noise because they are 12 and 15 and I know it will be just a few short years before they to will be away at school and it will be oh so quite around here. Keep loving every minute of it. Thanks for sharing!

  12. The things you post have made me stop and realize the moments I pass off as “nothing”. Seeing this and the “dishes” hit me. I want to see life and moments in this light. When he’s naked and she’s wearing nothing but her tinkerbell costume and they’re spitting on each other – that’s a moment. And I’ll never look at it the same. Thank you!

  13. You write so eloquently, I’m moved every time I read something about your kids. I LOVE that they are so close that they can play hard together and like each other enough to lay in bed with one another reading a book. That is a very special relationship.

  14. t, you made me cry.
    love the photos. love the
    memories. love the way you are raising them. keep it up. thanks for sharing bits of you. and bits of them.
    so real. keep it real t.

  15. Amen! My boys are true blessings. Of course, it is really nice to have a girly girl in the middle of my boys. Plus with a 8 year difference between my boys, it is a huge difference. Thanks for saying what so many of us moms think!

  16. i know that “just came from playing outside all day” smell. i agree, ewww. but, they’re my lovey boys and i snuggle them anyway, stink or not! LOL. love your writing and photos, thanks for the peak into your life.


  17. I am so there with you, Tara. I have two boys, 11 and 4. I wanted girls, both times, and wished for so long that I had girls. I never got to do the frilly girly stuff that you do with girls. I have boys that are into superheros, sports, and the beloved video games. Then a few months ago it hit me. I am so glad I had two boys rather than a girl and a boy. They are pals, and even though they fight, they are close. The oldest reads to the youngest, too. Nothing touches my heart more than walking into a room and seeing them cuddled up watching tv, reading, or just talking. I have the “boy mom” that I never thought was possible in my being. I have even coached little league baseball. I finally got over wanting a girl and just buy the pink stuff for myself.

  18. They are such sweet boys. I love that they love each other so much. I so hear you about boys and the noise. Bryson is starting to “talk” and while it is cute, I can’t help thinking in the back of my mind, it is just raising the noise level of my house to a new level.

  19. Tara, oh Tara! I love your talent! This one touched so close to home!

    I have two boys and no girls…yet! :( Hopefully someday we’ll add girls to the mix. My feelings are often the same about “boy toys” and “boy things”. It made me smile to see my same feelings put into incredible words with style. Soon enough, maybe, we’ll add dress up clothes, baby dolls, pink shoes– all things girly– to our lives.

    When that happens, we’ll be booking a flight to the OC and a session for some FABULOUS family portraits by the famous Miss Tara!!

  20. You have made me feel so much better after a frustrating day with the two I named thing1 and thing2 this afternoon. You have stated so many of my daily feeling, yet I wouldn’t trade them for the world. Just wasn’t prepared for the wild, gross, loud ways I guess. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Oh Tara…what beautiful pictures! The pictures alone really tell something about those two! I am a mother of one sweet boy and I can second all those feelings!!

  22. Once again Tara you have shared just something so beautiful.
    Can so relate to being a mum of 2 boys… I wouldn’t have it any other way. As much as there are just one too many fart jokes in my house. (which of course my husband finds totally amusing)

  23. Well, started out wanting to say – – yes, they are sooo loud. I have two boys, and a husband who likes to act just like them. It will be a miracle if we ever have a meal without someone farting… but then in the end I was all teary eyed. They just are the best, aren’t they?

  24. *adore* these photos
    i don’t do well with loud either
    but i tell myself it’s so much better
    than that day when all will be quiet
    when they’re grown
    so hurray! for the ear splitting volume
    and thanks for the reminder to catch those loud, quiet and inbetween moments!

  25. ONE OF MY FAVORITES-love it!
    you nailed it for me. i have 2 boys, 10 & 71/2 & a daughter who’s 3. i can sooo relate to your whole story. i love how you express yourself in writing and of course in pictures. REAL LIFE STUFF!!!
    p.s. you little one reminds me sooo much of my carlie-except with brown eyes instead of blue. i even showed my husband her pic and he agreed. the facial expressions & sassiness.
    thanks for a look inside real life.

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