something different for me


i had the pleasure to be able to shoot carrie sandoval, san diego photographer in her current maternal state. i have known her online for a few years now so it was so cool to finally meet her. such a FUN chick. i was a nervous wreck leading up to the shoot though-just thinking about photographing her when she is such an amazing photographer herself. and her maternity portraits rock my world, so you can imagine the pressure! haha. but it was for nothing, i felt immediately at ease and we had a blast. i spent three hours with them. i am in love with her kids. oh my gosh-what little loves. they were giving me hugs and kisses after knowing me for thirty minutes.

i have a boatload of work to get done but of course i had to peek and pull one off my card that jumped out at me-look at this gorgeous lady!

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  1. This is gorgeous!
    Where were you getting such beautiful lighting? I can not wait to see more!

    Great job with the photo Tara and Carrie, you are beautiful!

  2. Tara, you are truly a photographer’s photographer. These are beautiful!
    Carrie is as talented as she is stunning — she designed the logo for my website and I have long been an admirer of her work. How wonderful to have a glimpse of her and her beautiful family.

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