and thats IF people!


i taught a photography class with big picture, what kinds of things would you want me to teach?

mind you-i will not be teaching photo shop techniques. anything camera related only. lay it on me. i would love to know.

(oh and a little shout out to stephanie, who ran into me at target today, recognized me and my kids and came up to say hi. so cool! HI STEPHANIE!)

Join the Conversation


  1. well, okay, so after scanning your 52 comments…it seems that everyone is very excited for you to teach a class…that is IF you were to teach a class, but what about your “Shout Out” to me…..I mean, all your peeps who are screaming and hollerin about you maybe teaching a class…but no mention about how exciting it was to be in TARGET and run into me…I mean me running into you! HOLY MOLY! to look up and first reconize you, and then your kids, then you, then kids….hello people..and then to gasp and just look down and push the cart down the aisle…I can only say what a HUGE exciting silly moment it was for me…and then to say to you ” You woulda thought I had seen Bon Jovi! please excuse my huge dork-e-ness Tara! It was super exciting and so sweet of you to talk with me…as in the pics, your kiddos are adorable….as are you!

  2. ummm…SIGN ME UP…
    I think you could just do anything and we would walk away with so much. Share your settings and tech info that you use most often. Share favorite poses, tricks of the trade, tips to capturing the perfect shot. Give us challenges of things to shoot. walk us through your toughest photog settings and how you would go around them. Share with us anything and we will learn. PLEASE DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i’m thinking you’d need to do 2 classes…or someone else should do the basic class…I don’t want you to teach the basics…I want the Tara Whitney part…f-stops you use, different lenses for different situations. You would be great! I’ll be watching for it!

  4. Anything at all and I will sign up! Your photography is what inspired me to start my own photography business. I am obsessed with photography and always want to know more. I love the way you pose your subjects without actually posing them and the angles you shoot with. Without sounding too cheesy- you’re my biggest inspiration when it comes to my photography. Anything more I can learn from you will be appreciated more than you can possibly know.

  5. Ok, on lots of your pics i wonder how you get perfectly exposed subjects with the overexposed, bright backgrounds. In a situation like that, my background would be perfectly exposed and the people underexposed. Do you use fill flash? Spotmetering? Need to know.

  6. Wow we look kinda desperate huh?
    I would also love it if you could help me “get” f/stops & aperture settings. But I’d also love to know how to get my kids & others to continue what they’re doing & not get big cheesy grins. Like do you just sneak up on them, :) and what do you say to others you photograph to just get them to relax & be themselves? I would so love it if you taught a class at BP.

  7. To figure out how to use the Digital Rebel without using the auto setting each time! I would love to learn the features, I know I am scratching the surface, and with the price paid for the camera, I know you can teach loads! Please!

  8. I would love if you could teach me how to make using my camera part of my every day life. Somehow I imagine that because your photos are so beautiful (and the people you photograph know they are going to look beautiful) that your friends and family never roll their eyes and say “oh, no, here comes Tara with the camera again”. (LOL maybe I am dreaming?). I want to know how you make people relax so you can really capture who they are.

    Having said all this, I would take whatever class you offered. And I would send your yummy website inspiration to all my non-scrapping friends in an attempt to get everyone I know to sign up. Because it’s not just about me making everyone else look fabulous in MY pictures, but also them making ME look fabulous in their pictures. LOL.


  9. i would love to know more about natural lighting. one area would include getting those fab family shots INSIDE clients’ homes or your own for that matter. i want to be able to do that. your composition is so interesting…how do you do that? and the catchlights that you get are incredible. teach us to SEE the light the way that you do. and please reconsider the photoshop stuff…maybe that could be a part II thing or something.
    hope that you do this.

  10. Action shots, night shots, natural light shots – ANYTHING really. Got the D20 and feel like I am not using it to it’s full potential! This would so rock if you did this!!!

  11. Mainly you should teach a class so I can stop pestering you and Stacy with emails requesting it!

    I’d love for you to walk us through your own learning process. From the comments it looks like you have followings of professional photographers and then novices like me—so maybe two classes or stages would be necessary.

    ANYTHING you offer will be of great value.

    One request though—the whole beauty of the online opportunity is the community it affords. So BPS should really create a gallery place where your students could post their assignment photos and get feedback, from each other and (if possible) you! Lots can be learned from seeing how others run with the same information.

    (Gotta dream—I’m hoping you’ll reconsider photoshop info…just a bit…those B&W photos are so amazing! Even if it was just challenging us to play with levels/curves, etc).

    Okay—too much info, but you see the world saying “We need a Tara class” right?

  12. Oh yay! I’m so glad to hear that you might be teaching a photography class! I would love to learn the basics of photography and how to get those great shots. Anything about lighting, positioning your subject, etc… would be great. It would be great to get info on all of those SLR settings and how they all work and what can be done with them. But it would also be nice to know some tips on just using the point and shoot cameras too.

  13. First, I just have to say that Cathy Z. cracks me up. :P

    Second, since I just bought my SLR, I am camera dummy. I don’t know anything. So maybe starting at the beginning? Pretty please. With lots of chocolate on top?

    Third, no matter what kind of class lessons you did, I’d probably participate. Just cause you rock and I could use some of that rockness in my own photography.

  14. I don’t think there’s anything left for me to say on this one – a class giving any information on getting more from your camera would be good. I have the Canon A80 which is a point and shoot but also has various settings – of which I have only used the basic ones. I need to know more…… The best thing about Big Picture Scrapbooking is that I can take the classes even though I’m in the UK!! Just tell me when!!

  15. OK…would take that class in a heart beat “IF” it were offered LOL

    You could start from scratch
    Pretend I am 5
    Break it down and put it in plain speak
    Give me homework

    Hell, you could say anything about photography and I would be taking notes LOL

  16. YIPPPEEE! First some classES and then a book…IF…ONLY IF!
    I would want 1) take it off of auto, now this is what it really means/does, 2) Tara Magic 101 (HOW TO DO IT, what to use & when), and 3) Advanced Tara Magic (how to get that sparkle)! I would need lots of visuals…this is the right way…notice blah blah.&..this is not so right cuz of… ya know? PS-luv CZ..make her come out to the Oasis plzzzz!

  17. the best thing that you could teach a girl for starters (and I was amazed by this) is white balance. Nobody knows what such a difference that makes. Manually compensating the difference is so hard too so for quick and ease id bleat on about how fabulous apperture priority is but wouldnt it be great if you could explain the full ins and out of manual setting cos they get me every time (and i almost throw a damn expensive camera out the window almost everyday becuase of it)

  18. again…ditto…
    i guess i would like to learn how to do the things that i love about your photos..
    the great colours
    relaxed natural situations
    the perfect amount of light

    i have been trying to find a photo class on line but nothing has been just right for me…

    a class from you would be absolutely perfect..

  19. I’d be first in line to sign up, that’s for sure!! Your photography is so inspiring!! I want to be you when I grow up! Anything you could teach about photography would just be fabulous!!!! Thanks so much for considering this!!!

  20. I would love a class taught by you. I would love to learn more about lighting, cropping with the camera, composition, lenses, flash. I think I could probably pick some of this up by readnig my camera manual, but it overwhelms me…all the fstop stuff. I would learn more from someone teaching by example. Great idea. I hope you do it.

  21. I’d love to take a class on how to compose a picture, and how to get your subject to respond to you (e.g. what you say, how to make them at ease, how to get them to do what you want but look natural, etc).

  22. I would want to learn how you get the blurred background and have eyes in focus like the photo of your youngest you posted on March 9th. I know it has something to do with F/stops. I think that’s becoming a hot thing right now and most would like to know that. Just my 2 cents.

  23. I’d be in…

    one thing I struggle with is indoor photographs, especially when it is nighttime so you don’t have any natural light to work with… would be nice to have some tips on what to do !

  24. I so need a class like this. I want to know how to use all the features on my camera…when to change settings and how for different kind of shots…Action for example. anything that will make me a better photographer. Thanks Please do this class

    Kim Bolyard

  25. Funny that you are contemplating this as I was just thinking the other day about how great it would be for you to teach a class. In the next year I will be transitioning from the corporate world and finally pursuing my lifelong dream of becoming a photographer. Your work and story has been a part of the inspiration behind this decision. Thank you.

    I know that alot of folks want you to teach a basic photography course, and while you’d be great at it I’d rather see you teach the art of photographing people. How do you approach a shoot? What techniques do you use to make your subject feel comfortable? What have you learned about using natural light? Technical details would be important as well.

    If people are interested in a basic photography course – and even more advanced classes – there are some great classes through betterphoto.com that can guide you through the confusing maze that is your camera. I’ve taken many courses through this company and can’t say enough about the experience.

  26. IF, what do you mean if? Do you know what kind of revolt there would be if you didn’t do a class now that you even hinted at it?Where to start?!?!?! Composition, camera settings (modes to addvanced menu settings (tone, color space, etc), lenses you use. I’m really interested in the Photoshop stuff you do to the images. I have a Nikon D70, but I could figure out the similar settings for my camera compared to your Canon.

  27. about 6 years ago i bought a little book by lisa bearnson called “mom’s little book of photo tips”. loved that book back then! it was at the beginning of me getting my first SLR camera. i later bought the book “how to photograph your baby” by nick kelsh. these were all great books to learn from. now, i would LOVE to see a book about photographing your family by tara whitney!!! you could put examples and then technical info., advice on framing a shot and tips on lenses. I am sure i speak for EVERYONE when i say we would buy them up in DROVES!! you are an inspiration and i love your blog…keep up the great work! and thanks for all you do for us. amy
    P.S. please. please. please. not that we are begging or anything!!!

  28. Everything you know about light and how that helps you choose aperture settings, “film” speed, white balance, etc. Do you change from shot to shot? How do you do your readings? Also, composition for group shots. How do you decide which lens to choose?

    And, please, consider adding photoshop information as well. Although, for those of us who can only afford elements, will that make a huge difference?

    Will there be any feedback on our photos in a posting gallery? That would be really helpful.

    Can I add my PLEASE? I’d really love this class.

  29. OMG – Life cannot possibly get better than this moment – the amazing Tara Whitney sharing photography knowledge – I will absorb anything you are willing to share :)
    Seriously though, I am a total beginner with a “real” camera (recently got a Nikon d70s) and still can’t figure out much more than how to turn it on LOL! I would love to learn about how you compose your shots to capture such amazing images. Also about the types of settings you like to use and why cause the look of your photos is so cool and so soft yet so powerful.
    Oh, seriously seriously decide to teach at BPS, that would be beyond awesome :)

  30. I’m not going to be much help cuz I’ll take anything you teach! Even if you title the thing “white balance & Fstops” I’ll take it (and I have no idea what I just typed!).

    I love taking photos, and I’ve gotten better in the last few years, but everytime I pick up my camera manual my mind glazes over. “IF” the class you decide to teach doesn’t start at “this setting does this” level, can you include sites or books that might help those of us who just can’t get through our camera manual? The great thing about BPS is that we can do the classes at our own pace and if I need to do some homework to “catch up” to the rest of the class – I will…but only for you Tara and your incredible talent.

    I’ll end on a plea on my knees: PLEASE!!!!

  31. I’ve never responded to one of your posts before (I’m a silent stalker I guess, LOL!), but I finally will to this one. PLEASE teach a class!!!

    I too would be interested in a more advanced class dealing with helping people feel comfortable, capturing natural poses, and making the most of available natural light indoors. Lens preferences for different situations and techinal info. like that and like someone else said, how to capture natural, candid shots that don’t look like snapshots (if that is possible to teach at all).

    Again, plllleeeaaasssseee teach the class!

  32. Another lurker here. I’ve never posted on your blog but love your style. I’m also a huge BPS fan – on my 3rd class right now. I would love a photography class taught by you – would sign up in a heartbeat. I’m another relatively new DSLR owner who fell asleep over the manual and know very little about the amazing camera I own. Would love a class on the different setting and what makes a good “pose” – you get so many awesome photos out of your shoots, would love some tips & pointers.

  33. First, I would sign up for a class if it just said “Taught by Tara.” I don’t even care what the subject is ;-) Hee, hee, I promise I’m not a stalker! I’m just so inspired by you!

    Anyhow, here is what I would love to know:
    1. How to deal with natural light
    2. How to deal with “bad light.”
    3. How you use aperature to get that blurred background.
    4. How to pose. Do you direct people, just let them do their own thing? That kind of thing.
    5. Catchlights.
    6. I know you said it wouldn’t include photoshop, but just wanted to let you know I’d love more guidence with your conversions etc in case an opportunity for that type of class ever arose.


  34. would love you to have a bps class!!!! yeah!
    i want to know how all your pictures are so BRIGHT without a flash, or is that photoshop? i want to know everything about lighting and setting the camera appropriatly for it.
    sounds like a fine idea!!!

  35. Tara~
    Wow……I think this should turn into “WHEN” I teach a class on photography,what would you like to see offered.
    Count me in on learning f-stops, white balance, aperture, etc.
    I have had a film SLR for a long time and have never gotten the whole “in focus foreground…..blurry background thing” and what about night photgraphy (like skylines at night)
    I AM BUYING A DIGITAL SLR (Nikon 50D) TODAY AFTER WORK and I really want to be able to expand my photography skills and get the most from the camera.
    Please enlighten me…..your work is so awesome and inspiring.
    Thank you in advance for providing your knowledge! :-)

  36. I want to get inside your brain! I want to know your thought process. I have eight kiddos and want to take GREAT pictures of them. I want to know hints about lighting, composition, how you choose locations. I don’t have the same camera as you, so I am not sure how much I could use in regards to the actual camera. Keep inspiring me! Krista

  37. Tara I so admire your work your photos are so REAL & so BEAUTIFUL! I would so love it if you could teach us something about how you compose your shots and how you use the light and how to turn off the auto on our cameras and use the functions they way you do and also what kind of things are you saying to your subjects to get them so relaxed that you get the candid shots that you do. And I would also love to do some homework Please Please Please challenge us!!

  38. I didn’t read all the responses but I would just love to know how to use my camera away from auto. It is so overwhelming all the things to know so telling us what buttons to start with (like maybe aperture, shutter speead, etc.) and then building from there. Each week or couple days working on another tool on the camera. I’ve read the manual but I have no idea where to start and to build on from there. I would so love a photo class from you.

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