and thats IF people!


i taught a photography class with big picture, what kinds of things would you want me to teach?

mind you-i will not be teaching photo shop techniques. anything camera related only. lay it on me. i would love to know.

(oh and a little shout out to stephanie, who ran into me at target today, recognized me and my kids and came up to say hi. so cool! HI STEPHANIE!)

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  1. Nieka had a suggestion of a photo a day with tips and suggestions and I go for that idea!! Technical stuff would be great too but would probably be a bit dry unless it was interspersed with fun go out and photograph this type of lessons! I say go for it! please!!

  2. Hi Tara–Love your photos and your scrapbook pages. I haven’t taken a class yet at Big Picture–but hoping to take the Renee Pearson class–and would love to take a photography class from you. Ditto on all the other comments–about to purchase a Digital Rebel and want to make really good use of it (moving up from a little Olympus digital). Would love to have tons of time to read, take classes, and learn–but don’t!–so your best basic tips to start with would be lovely!

  3. OH DEAR GOD!!!!!!!!! That is my first response when I read your post!! Followed closely by HOLY FREAKIN’ SH*T!!! :-) Okay, I know that everyone is on the big digital craze but that is just NOT me. I *HEART* my Canon FILM camera. Anyway, IF you were teaching a class I would like to first off know if it was digital or film because I wouldn’t want to pay for digital info. when it wouldn’t apply to me. However, I just realized that’s what you would be teaching – just camera (FILM) stuff right?? Alrighty, for me I would like to just get inside your head. hee hee. I am more of a “give me an example and SHOW me what to do” kind of gal. For instance, I love scenario type explaining. As an example, if I am in a hospital taking newborn pics and I KNOW the lighting will be bad (flourescent) HOW do I know EXACTLY what types of settings and adjustements should be made? STEP BY STEP kind of stuff. Does that make sense?? For me, I would love to experiment more with the manual settings but just haven’t done so. Quite honestly, WHATEVER class you teach about photography I will TAKE!!! :-)

  4. this would be totally amazing!!i would totally take your class, and if you taught it locally i could come! i just live an hour from you! all the things i want to learn has been already covered by the other posters. i have the 20d and would just love to know how to use it!!!!!

  5. Just the thought of this is making me crazy!!! The only thing that could be better than having you teach a photography class would be having you photograph my family. So, unless you are planning a trip to NC PLEASE teach us a class.

    I love your photos. I would love to learn how you “see” the world. Your photographs are inspiring.

    Please please please

    teach a class : )


  6. Hi Tara,

    Although I’ve been reading your blog faithfully and studying your photos regularly for over a year now, this is my first time to ever write to you. Someday I’ll share the long list of things I’ve learned from you that I have written in my journal. :)

    For now though, I just wanted to agree with Jamie and say let someone else teach the basics. If you’re going to teach a class, teach YOUR HEART. The SIMPLE YOU. Teach us what only you know and love that can’t be learned from anyone else. You obviously have a God-given gift for seeing the beauty in the ordinary, for show-casing relationships, and for making the simple things in life extraordinary. We want to know HOW you do it!

    What are your thoughts behind your photos?
    How do you choose which lens, which angle, which settings and what time of day, etc. that makes your pictures incredible?

    I LOVED Nieka’s suggestion of assigning a photo a day and then giving us a challenge such as composition or lighting and telling us how to deal with that situation. Something practical that we could apply and see results from immediately, but still have pictures that are worth keeping. Pictures that capture the love and happiness of life that is unique to each one of us.

    You are a continual inspiration to me with your photography. When my husband called to say that my Olympus point and shoot was no longer available and in order to take advantage of my warranty, I had to choose a different camera, I immediately said, “Well, I dreamed of someday having a Canon SLR like Tara Whitney…but…” Guess what? I’ve got one!! I’m learning more each day and am totally in love with it. I can’t think of anything I’d love more than to learn straight from your teachings – you, my #1 inspiration!!

    Do it, please.

  7. TARA, you have tapped into something HUGE.

    look how many people want photo help! there just are not a lot of places to get photo tutoring, and it makes perFect sense to add photography classes to the scrapbook world! There are enough categories mentioned above to have a whole photography curriculum! we all NEED this…….

    thanks for asking, and for reading! and for considering…


  8. Tara, I’d be all over it!!

    I’d love more on~

    Capturing The Moment~

    Better Images Straight Out of Camera

    Creative Cropping W/in Camera

    Making Most of the Natural Lighting

    I’d LOVE to hear more about YOUR Info on these!!!

  9. Oh, I would love to attend a class taught by you. I would like to learn anything you can teach. I love how all of your photos look like works of art. I just recently purchased the DRebel XT and would love to be able to do more then just auto.

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