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  1. me too! i woke up with a cold this morning and so did T. and my jeff let me sleep till 10:00. much needed rest for me. hope you get better soon.

    i’m not excited for christmas either but i know why. jeff has surgery on the 22nd. he’s a big baby when he has a cold, i’m scared of what he will be like for TWO WEEKS.eeeeeeee. got any plans for christmas break? i might have to leave my husband and come to your house to play and maybe go to that really pretty park and hang with you and your really pretty kids. :)

  2. awwww i love those shots, most esp. the one of mckenna looking up, basking in the sunshine enjoying life… the shots you capture!!!! last shoot of the year!!! wow!!!! i was going to be done by november 15th, but since michael lost his job it’s crucial that i keep on working…and this is the busiest time of year for photos….bummer for me! lucky YOU! wish it was my last shoot…..cause i so want to be DONE>….i am tuckered out from all these boy sessions i have been having…..
    hey t….what camera do you use? and what lense do you recommend i buy next for my 20D? i have the 50mm f1.4 already….i mostly take photos of children….thanks!!!!!

  3. not sure why you feel the way you feel about christmas, but here’s why i feel uninspired: i rush around like crazy trying to buy everything for everyone and mail it out early (all the relatives are out of town, and there are lots of them), and i try to cram way too much into too little time and i don’t take care of myself (ie: periods of downtime). also, my birthday is two weeks before christmas and while i try to do nice things for my relatives when their birthdays roll around (okay, i’m not always on time), it seems as though most of my family pretty much forgets it is my birthday. usually i pretend it doesn’t matter much, but this year i might not pretend anymore! in fact, it really sucks! my husband and parents remember, but the brothers and sister are hit and miss. sigh. didn’t mean to hijack. i hereby pledge to let my husband spoil me for my birthday and i will try to limit the christmas craziness to things i enjoy (baking, making stuff, getting the tree, etc.). maybe you can do the same.

  4. yep, Mckenna’s is awesome! But, you know what I see? I see very distinct personalities in each of these pictures, all different, all very visible by their body language! I’m glad you shared these Tara! I can FEEL your kids here!!

  5. Get better soon Tara!
    Like you I am NOT looking forward to christmas but thats cos I have the in-laws staying for two weeks *sigh*
    on the plus side they do live 8000 miles away and I haven’t seen them for 5 years!

  6. I just wanted to pop in and say how very much your kids have grown and changed the past few months! I was looking back in archives (trying to find that schedule you posted oh so many months ago…trying to do the same for myself now). The kids have changed so much even from then…May I believe. You often don’t notice it as a parent, seeing them everyday. You should go back and look…it’s really amazing. Especially Anna…she’s a girl now, not a toddler. Too cool. It’s been a tough year for you I know…but these kids of yours are thriving. Good job mom.(Something I think we should all tell our female friends with kids as often as we can…I do my best friend…no bigger compliment in the world to me).

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