what i get out of what i do

i had an incredible weekend. just incredible. two photo shoots. things clicked. and when it clicks?? it feels so good.

when i go into a shoot, i never know fully what to expect. everything is up in the air. the lighting, the location, the people, the kids. i mean, think about it-these key elements are different every time. every time!! it is a huge source of anxiety, but also a challenge that i love.

when i first meet a family, we talk. i tell them what i like to do. what i want out of them. what i want to create and capture. i tell them i am here to capture their family. I’m not here to pose them in uncomfortable positions and create something fake. i want reality. imperfection, even. if your kid biffs it into the ocean and gets all sandy, even better! my technique changes all the time, but currently there seems to be a lot of laughter and teasing going on to get the good expressions i like. i say things like, "okay now talk to each other." not necessarily to photograph them talking to each other, but to photograph the reaction i get when i say that. like this one, taken one second after telling this family "talk to each other."


I believe dad was saying, "What did she just say??" and there were about six strangers staring at us, so I am sure they were a bit uncomfortable being on display-but that is what i got. and i love it. so real!

and here, at my other shoot, i can’t remember what i had just said, or what they had just said, but however it occured, i got this great reaction:


and THAT is totally how i saw that couple. they were so happy together. so funny. their laughter was a staple in their home. you can just tell.

for me, it is all about catching the real them. i want them to be comfortable enough with me that i get to see who they are. follow them around for the hour or two that we are together and really get a sense of what they are like. i take it very seriously. it is an honor. here i am, a stranger, and these people are giving me something that they normally reserve for each other or close friends. i appreciate it so much. because it is the most important element in what i do. getting to the bottom of things. not just skimming the surface. no small talk. tell me how you REALLY are. and i run with it.

i just love people. all types. all kinds. people give me so much. i love to people watch. i love to talk to people. i love learning about people. i love differences in people. i take you for what you are. and i always see the beauty.

and that my friends, is what i get out of what i do.

To view more photos from these sessions, click on the links below.

Garrison family

Amie and Ken

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  1. I can only imagined how pleased your clients were to see these fabulous photos! Hopefully some of your mad photo skills will rub off on me at the 2Peas crop- I can only wish! :) Keep on doin’ what you’re doin’, cuz’ you rock!!

  2. I was gonna say the SAME thing…I’d pay for you to fly out here to take pics of my family! I keep trying to find a local photographer with this type of feel…no one yet. You have a real eye Tara. I like taking pics in this vain too…only trouble is that I’m NEVER in the pics.

  3. WOW Tara what you do, you do so well! You have an amazing ability to capture the “closeness” and the “realness”(mmmm dont think that’s a word) in people.
    Makes me wanna put my family on a plane and fly on over for you to take some pics of us too.

  4. Tara, all I can say is wow! Your work is simply stunning, perfect and so REAL. I love that! Your photos speak louder than words ever could. Keep up the good work! I just know your clients are going to LOVE these! Now if only I can get my butt down there & hire you myself for a family photo shoot!

  5. ok – so some of my fave pics i have taken lately are as a direct result of reading and studying your pics on the blog:) you are really generous with your helpful hints. thanks so much! my fame thinks i am BRILLIANT;) kellicrowe

  6. Amazing Tara. You are so freaking talented. At first I was wondering if you only take pics of gorgeous people, but I realized you can make everyone gorgeous. Brilliant. And you are SO kind to share your tips and tricks with us. You are just so cool.

  7. ” i take you for what you are. and i always see the beauty.”

    that is totally true about you, and it shows in these images.
    love how you describe what you do, love these photos. they are lucky to have them.

  8. Gosh Girl, You rock my world with your talent! I want to be just like you when I grown up. I am gonna be out in CA over the Labor day weekend for my Grandmother’s funeral and I just wish we could afford to get together with you and do a shoot. I have never met a photographer with such raw and awesome talent and I am so enamored with your skills. Please keep sharing as I could look at your photos all day long.
    Thanks for sharing

  9. Beautiful photos, as always, and I love your style of photography, exactly what I love. My family always say “why didn’t you tell me to smile” or something when I snap my pics, and I tell them because they always just smile and look cheesed up, I want to take something different…that is why I think I truly love your work…you catch people being themselves, being real, that is so great…{You’re my photography queen} ..lmao…really you’re work is great and I love seeing your stuff..keep up the wonderful work. :)

  10. wow….my faves are of the family walking hand in hand on the beach….and of the couples toes and the one of the dog collar and of the dog standing next to owners bare feet….so cool t and so YOU! love them all! i have got to upload mine to my blog…care to critique me????

  11. AWESOME. i LOVE the family ones. You just have a talent for capturing the natural beauty and emotion of your subject. I love it. We just moved out of san diego (out of state) and i am kicking myself that i didn’t know of you before we left! when my husband and i get down there again with our kids….expect a call! ;)

    again, beautiful work.

  12. I’ve been lurking in your online life for a while now–you’re so creative & inspiring. But I had to write after seeing the photos of the family. I literally had tears running down my face (and I’m not hormonal right now). I’m at work so I’m sure they think I’ve lost it. The only way I can describe it is to say you caught their soul! And it couldn’t help it. Your photos are amazing.

  13. I just had to say how much I love these, especially the one of the couple. Those bed shots looks so comfy and relaxed and capture such an integral part of their home life. Very cool. I so want a photoshoot with you!

  14. O.K. you know your good when people cry when they look at your stunning work! Cause that is what your photos do to me. Jem said it best “you have caught their soul”. Unbelievably gorgeous. My dream is to have you photograph my family. Hmmmm…someday I hope. :)

  15. Love your photo shoots. Do you do this for people you know or do you have a business? Great shots, I am trying to get a photography business started. Actually an expansion of my husband’s wedding photography business, you are a great inspiration.

  16. ok..I am soo flyin you here…k? lol. I adore your work..always have. Everything you said this does for you SHINES in every photo you take. You can tell that it is all a part of you. LOVE LOVE LOVE all your photos. they speak volumes. You amaze me.

  17. Okay, I am a lurker, but I have to speak up and say thank you for inspiring me everyday with your gorgeous photos Tara. I am trying so hard to become a better photographer and lately, I feel like I am. My family has even started commenting on my sons pictures, and my boyfriend has asked me how much I would like to spend on my digital when I break down and buy it. He says to go for the gusto, because he thinks I have “talent” and should take pictures of others. I have to tell you that I owe my confidence in trying new shots to you, and I am always impressed by the way you catch the inner beauty of your subject as well as the obvious exterior. Thanks again, you truly are a talented woman. Now get your butt to Minnesota and take some pics of my baby boy and me!!! :)

  18. AMAZING Tara! Wish I could follow you around and learn from you though I think a lot of it is natural talent. These photos are all INCREDIBLE and I LOVE looking through them!!! Are you up for hire anytime then? Said half jokingly and half serious! If we come to CA next year I may have to look you up!!! One question(for now)…do you actually tilt your camera sometimes or do you incorporate a tilt when you edit the photos? Thanks for sharing!

  19. i can totally hear ken laughing in these pics. his laugh is so great isn’t it? i just love those two. the pics. couldn’t be more beautiful.

  20. Tara, I simply don’t know what to say. I really don’t think I could possibly put into words how amazing your photos are. How blessed your clients are to have you capturing their moments and selves. The photos of the family literally brought me to tears . . . imagine having images like that years from now when the kids are grown and gone. Priceless.

  21. Tara, you rock. You totally capture people. Those families had to have LOVED those photos.

    I think I know what I want when I reach my goal weight. I’m gonna figure out how in the heck to get my family to you to have you shoot pictures for me. THAT would be a reward in and of itself…no matter what it cost me.

  22. It’s funny – I didn’t read the journaling or comments on this one – just saw the photos and emailed ya – Now I came back to sneak a peak again and read the journaling and the comments and realize I was thinkin’ the same thing as everyone else!!! Just simply amazing! Can’t wait!

  23. You capture the love!

    We are finally in LA. Now I just feel too chubby, well it is more than chubby but that is the word I want to use, to have wonderful you take pictures. I figure though, you have a way of making everyone look good. You really do.

    I’ll have to contact you once our lives stop spinning from the move.

  24. Tara, let me echo the MANY affirmations of others — you’re a very talented and natural photographer. When our youngest daughter was married a few years ago, I had two photographers come from Italy to photograph her wedding — why? Because their style was entirely photojournalistic and I couldn’t find that in my area. They did an incredible job — but in my opinion I would have been equally happy with a Tara Whitney product.

    I hope you continue to believe in yourself and do that which makes you excel and grow!


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