the view from my spot on the grass

I am really enjoying the longer afternoons and the summer-like weather we are experiencing this week. Mckenna requested the park after school on Tuesday. I sat on this blanket the entire time and soaked up the sunset as it washed over my incredible brood of four.

Then we went home and made basil curry chicken, broccoli (Anna calls it brock-LEE with the emPHASis on the wrong syllABle), and rice for dinner.

They only “mostly liked” the chicken.



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  1. I am lOVING the weather we are having here too,
    though I heard snow this weekend (chicago)…..
    well spring should be here soon anyway.
    LOVE these fun pix. Love nights like these.
    and YUMMY dinner! My Savannah will eat a WHOLE
    head of broccoli if roasted in the oven. You mix it
    with salt, pepper and olive oil and roast at 375 for about
    30-40 minutes and it’s soooooooo good! I do other veggies like
    this as well. (asparagus, garlic, onion, peppers,
    zucchini) Have a gREAT night!

  2. I just love your work . . . I feel like we could walk right into the picture and hop on a swing or sit on the grass! I love the simple things. . . who’s the cutie rockin’ the boots! :))

  3. Welcome to iheartfaces for the dramatic b/w. I loved looking at your blog. Especially the photo of the Mom trying to kiss her daughter… seemed like my life :) they don’t want mommy kisses at that age do they?

  4. Good Morning Tara!!! OK, imagine for a moment that you wake up one day and check out your favorite blog where you like to enter photographs for a weekly contest. You peek over to the right side and see that the guest photographer is YOUR FAVORITE PHOTOGRAPHER!! Just wanted you to know that I am so THRILLED you are the guest judge this week at Iā™„faces. :) Looking forward to seeing what your top picks are.

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